Steve Beckerle
Senior Director of Support Operations

Steve Beckerle serves as the Senior Director of Support Operations, overseeing Support Services and Building Services.
Originally from Omaha, Neb., Steve graduated from Mid America Nazarene with a youth and family ministry degree. He worked for a Christian publishing house in technology for a year and a half before coming to FCA. Over the years at FCA, Steve has served in roles with the technology help desk, as intranet manager, then co-leading the help desk and Ministry Services department before taking sole leadership. Building Services was added to his department, where Steve continues to lead Support and Building Services today.
Steve loves to run and serve and has a personal and professional passion for financial coaching. A Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach, Steve teaches Personal Finance in FCA Training Camps and has led Financial Peace University courses at the Support Center.
He resides in Independence, Mo. with his wife Sarah and children Micah, Amelia, and Alaina.