Since 1999, I started the simple discipline of developing a One Word theme for the upcoming year. That is right—One Word. Not a phrase, not a statement, just a single word. To this point, it has been nothing short of life-changing.
In life, we tend to drift toward complexity, but we should drive toward simplicity. The One Word exercise has become a focal point throughout the year that brings simplicity and clarity into a very complex world. The discipline of developing a One Word theme has stretched me in all areas: spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally and financially. God has transformed me in many ways through this exercise and has brought truth and revelation into my life.
Your One Word can be a discipline, fruit of the Spirit, character trait, attribute of God or even a person. It becomes your filter for the year and will change the way you think, act and live! Last year, my word was Refresh. In Proverbs 11:25, it says, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” It was a year of refreshing others and being refreshed myself. This year my word is Extra. I desire to go the Extra mile so that the ordinary becomes EXTRAordinary! I want to serve, love, give and care a little Extra in 2017.
Last year, our International Office also had a One Word for our department as we desired to unify around a common theme. Our Word in 2016 was Establish, because we wanted the Lord to Establish our work for His glory! It was a powerful year of seeing God open many doors for FCA International. Also, we saw new relationships established along with new strides in ministries in serving coaches and athletes around the world.
For 2017, our One Word is Focus, because we desire to serve our international teammates at a greater level by being focused and not being distracted. There are so many needs and opportunities, but we want to narrow the focus in 2017 for greater impact.
Join us in 2017 as we live out our One Word vision – Focus. Pray that God will help us not to be distracted, but remain focused on the things that He wants us to do. We are fired up to see what the Lord will do in 2017.
Lord, as I start 2017, we ask that You will make it a life-changing year. We want to live for You alone. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit. We desire to know You better.
Strengthen us every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.