With a new school year under way, FCA is ready, willing and able to provide student-requested support for efforts that will allow Christ to change the lives of their peers.
In existence for 64 years, FCA helps students bring the presence of the international sports ministry to their campuses—from middle school to college. Small gatherings called Huddles, efforts toward team unity, early morning Bible studies and even larger campus-wide events all help students to experience eternal, saving grace and to know what it means to have their lives changed by Jesus.
“Many students, parents, coaches and athletes look forward to each new school year with excitement and anticipation—and all of us at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes do, too!” said FCA President and CEO Shane Williamson. “Each fall, we can’t wait to meet the new, young leaders God will raise up to impact their friends and teammates for Christ. The school campus, coupled with after-school activities and team practices, is the place where students spend the bulk of their time. So if they can meet Jesus through their friends and through the sports they love, it’s an amazing, eternal experience for all involved.”

To Start A Huddle:
On the “Get Involved” section of the FCA website, students can learn about more opportunities to bring an FCA presence to their campus, including Huddles, which consist of meetings and Bible studies for teams, coaches or groups involved in multi-sports. Students can also begin planning ahead for the student-led Fields of Faith gatherings, happening Oct. 10 on athletic fields nationwide.