Q. How has FCA helped you to know Christ?
In high school, FCA was one of my main sources of support. After my freshman year, in 1978, I went to my first FCA National Conference at the University of Arkansas and learned about how to have a “quiet time” with the Lord. Now, 40 years later, I still have a daily “quiet time,” and I learned it from FCA.
Q. What is God teaching you right now?
My wife and I just became empty nesters, and we lost three of our four parents in the last year. We are entering into a new phase of life that is a whole new adventure for us. God is teaching me about His faithfulness and sufficiency in every phase of life.
Q. How and why do you support the ministry of FCA?
FCA gives one of the best returns on my giving investment. There are very few Christian organizations that still have access to high school campuses. FCA’s focus on the coach, who in turn may invest in kids for decades, is one of the best investments anyone can make. I also appreciate FCA’s emphasis on leading kids to Jesus. Their unashamed focus on the gospel is refreshing in today’s world.
Q. Do you use any FCA resources? If so, which ones?
I read the Daily Bible, but my son uses the FCA study Bible daily.