Want to get an up-close look at the impact of FCA Camp? Throughout the summer, we’ll be sharing stories and testimonials from campers, Huddle leaders, staff, volunteers and coaches about their time at camp and how God showed up throughout their week.
Rachel and Wendell Smith
Camp: Black Hills Sports Camp (Spearfish, S.D.)
Coach and Volunteer - Ottawa, Ks.
“We come to share the sport we love and Jesus.”
How long have you been coming to camp?
Rachel: We’ve been coming to camp for seven years. Our kids attend camp, and we brought a family friend along this year. We started at FCA Camp in the Lake of the Ozarks area, then went to Black Hills, then we started going to Pella, too. I like to help wherever I can, and Wendell’s been coaching for years.
What makes this camp special?
Rachel: I love that they have activities for the coaches’ kids: nursery, VBS, Power Camp. It gives them fun activities and the coaches know they have a place for their kids during the day.
Wendell: The athletes are in a positive environment here; it gives them a glimpse of what coaching with Christ looks like. Many of these kids have someone who’s spoken life into them to get them here, but maybe haven’t had the consistent encouragement in their sport. We’re trying to give that to them.
Why is camp impactful for you?
Wendell: We’ve built relationships over the years with the people here. We’ve grown to love the campers and have gotten to watch them grow up over seven years. We commit every summer; it’s a 12 ½ hour drive from Kansas.
Why do we do it? FCA is family.

Camp: Black Hills Sports Camp (Spearfish, S.D.)
Soccer Huddle Leader
"God doesn't need us to have more rules but more love."
Have you been to camp before?
I’d been to camp all four years of high school; this is my first year as a Huddle leader.
What has God taught you over the years?
I knew the Bible well, but I just had the head knowledge, not heart knowledge. I struggled with many things—pride, selfishness—but things at camp got me thinking. My sophomore year I decided to follow Christ wholeheartedly.
Camp provides that same opportunity for everyone—the need of knowledge in both head and heart.
How has camp been for you as a Huddle leader?
I’ve seen my middle school Huddle grow a lot over the week. In the beginning, they wouldn’t put down their phones or engage; they didn’t want to be vulnerable. But for me, it wasn’t about correcting behavior, but to just be there to love them.
Drew’s message on the prodigal son hit home with a lot of the guys. They know God loves them, but not as much as how He’s forgiven them as far as the east is from the west.
What else is meaningful?
Keeping it simple is key. We’ve gone over the Gospel multiple times. I have a student who didn’t understand what the Gospel is, but I asked him the other day if he trusted Jesus and he said yes.
Read other testimonials from FCA Camp participants:
In My Voice: FCA Camp Impact