“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner
worthy of the gospel of Christ.”
-Philippians 1:27
The NCAA Final Four tournament is an exciting sporting event. Even if you don’t like basketball, it is awesome to watch March Madness as it narrows down 68 teams into four core teams. It makes me think about FCA’s four values.
Core values are simply the way we live and conduct ourselves. They are attitudes, beliefs and convictions. When we live them out, they define and drive our culture. Values should be what we are, not what we want to become. The goal is to embody our values every step of the way. Unity is the byproduct of values lived well.
Are your values just words, or do you actually live them out? Can others identify the values in your life without you telling them what they are? Your values need to be a driving force that shapes the way you do life. Talk is cheap, but values are valuable. When everything is stripped away, what is left?
FCA’s Values are Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and Excellence. These four values are so powerful to me, I have made them my own personal core values. What are your values? What guides you? Let me share more about why I live by FCA’s Values:
To have integrity means you are committed to Christlike wholeness, both privately and publicly. It means to live without gaps. Proverbs 11:3 says integrity should guide you, but that a double life will destroy you. You need to be transparent, authentic, honest and trustworthy. You should be the same in all situations and not become someone different when competition begins. Integrity means to act the same when no one is looking. It is not about being perfect, but, as a coach, athlete, parent or leader, you need to be the real deal.
The two key ingredients of integrity are honesty and truth. When these become merely optional and not non-negotiable standards, gaps in our integrity will develop, and hypocrisy is born. The best definition of “hypocrisy” I have ever heard is that hypocrisy is “the gap that exists between the public life and the private life.” It is the difference between the external life and the internal life. There is a constant war in our souls. We do not want others to see us as we really are. We are afraid the gap will be exposed. However, God desires the exact opposite. He wants us to bring the dark things—the things we have buried in our hearts—into the light so He can purify us. He wants every aspect of our lives to be filled with integrity. Be committed to being real—gap free!
“My worth to God in public is only what I am in private.”
— Oswald Chambers
In John 13:12-15, Jesus gives us the perfect example of serving when He washes the disciples’ feet. He then commands the disciples to go and do unto others what He has done to them. How many of your teammates’ feet have you washed?
Maybe not literally, but spiritually, do you have an attitude of serving just as if you were washing their feet in the locker room, board room or living room? You need to seek out the needs of others and be passionate about pursuing people who are needy. And, the last time I checked, everyone is needy.
When done right, serving is about love, not duty. When it is done out of love, joy is the byproduct of serving, not regret or guilt. Serving should come freely and not feel forced. It is an opportunity, not an obligation. We serve without thinking that we are going to get something back, because serving is about others, not self.
In Philippians 2:3-11, Paul challenges us to do nothing out of selfish ambition. We need to consider others better than ourselves, because self-denial is the core of serving.
So, the tough question we need to ask ourselves is: Am I serving or self-serving? That is why serving is costly, not convenient. Sacrifice is always a key ingredient.
Additionally, we cannot serve with a critical or insecure heart. The more insecure we are, the harder it is for us to serve, because we will always want others to serve us and meet our own needs. Only people with a secure heart can serve. Serving is forged out of a heart that is yielded to Jesus, and when identity is in Christ.
Bottom line: Serving is not optional. We need to be radical about serving others. Can you imagine the impact if thousands of Christians became passionate about serving their communities? Why shouldn’t that revolution begin with us?
“Spirit-filled souls are ablaze for God. They love with a love that glows. They serve with a faith that kindles. They serve with a devotion that consumes.”
—Samuel Chadwick
Teamwork means to work together with others and express unity in Christ in all relationships. In Philippians 2:1-2, Paul encourages each of us to be one, united together in spirit and purpose. We all need to be on one team—not just the team we play on, but on God’s Team. We need to engage, equip and empower one another. We need to encourage each other. Do you celebrate and hurt together as teammates? You need to be arm-in-arm with others, locking up together to accomplish God’s work. There are no lone rangers when someone values teamwork.
One of my all-time favorite stand-up comedians has a routine about what he calls the “Me Monster”—the kind of person who is completely lost in his or her own world, consumed with his or her own desires, and who does all the talking for everyone else. Me Monsters are everywhere. They lurk in every sport, on every team, in every organization and in every family. They are completely self-absorbed and focused on themselves instead of their team. In fact, they are enemies of true teamwork.
In order to maintain healthy team dynamics, we must be aware of our own Me Monster tendencies. In life, “we” is more powerful than “me,” especially when it comes to teamwork. Many live by the me-rather-than-we philosophy, which could just as well be the me-rather-than-He [Jesus] concept. And unfortunately, life is usually all about “me.” As a coach, an athlete or a leader, it is hard to die to self every day. But that is the only way God’s best can be achieved. Think of how great it would be to have a team focused on “we” instead of “me.”
Living out the concept of teamwork is to say, “We did it!” God can best use us when we sacrifice our own interests. He calls us to pick up our cross daily and follow Him.
The popular acronym T.E.A.M. isn’t found in Scripture, but you can’t help but realize it certainly applies: Together Everyone Achieves More.
“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”
— Mother Teresa
To pursue excellence means to honor and glorify God in everything you do. In Colossians 3:23-24, Paul writes, “whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” The “whatever” part is hard, because it means everything you do must be done for God, not others. God deserves your best, not your leftovers.
Excellence is like an imprint that leaves a permanent mark. To make an imprint means to engrave, etch, impress or inscribe. Think about this: Every time we compete, coach or lead, we leave an imprint. Whether we leave a positive or a negative impression is up to us. When we are committed to excellence, we naturally desire to leave the kind of mark on others that will have an eternal impact. As a part of this commitment, we all, as followers of Christ, need to be intentional in striving, straining and stretching to give our very best in all areas.
When it comes to the pursuit of excellence, the ultimate question is not whether we leave a good or bad imprint but whether we leave an imprint of ourselves or of Jesus. What a challenge! Many people in my life have left an imprint of Christ on me, and I must continually ask myself if I am doing the same for others. What about you? Do you pursue excellence? Are you marking others with excellence? Give the Lord what’s right, not what’s left. Leave a mark—or, better yet, leave an imprint of Jesus. That is a true reflection of a commitment to excellence.
“Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time.”
— Marabel Morgan
It is tip-off time for the game of life. Your core values will not only define you, but they will leave a legacy that lives on in others. How will you be known?
Father, my prayer is to live with integrity, serving, teamwork and excellence. It is a high standard, but I know that with Your power and strength, it can happen. I want all my relationships to be known for things that are of You. Search my heart and reveal to me my values. I lay at the foot of the cross the values that do not honor You, and I ask for Your forgiveness. The values that bring You glory, I lay them at the foot of the cross for Your anointing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.