Today marks the first day of celebrating Black History Month. Throughout the month, we’ll be sharing weekly content that highlights topics around unity, justice, hope, community and accountability. Start off the month by reading our first devotional on what it means to link arms with others and have Unity in Christ.
How good and pleasant it is when brothers can live together! It is like fine oil on the head, running down on the beard, running down Aaron's beard, on his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there, the Lord has appointed the blessing- life forevermore. – Psalm 133:1-3
As an onlooker, have you ever stopped and reflected on the beauty of unity? Consider how a marching band enters the field, each step in unison, like the smooth cadence of Clydesdale horses riding together. How about a lion pride uniting to defend and protect its territory? Even better is a team of athletes, both defensively and offensively, working together to defeat their opponent. No matter the example, when you see unity displayed, it is beautiful and beholds a power that is greater than if it were you or I going at it alone.
As Christians, we can and should live out Psalm 133:1–3 by being united, and we can if the power of Jesus Christ flows through us.
Verse one of this text proclaims that it is good and pleasant when we can live together. Why is this possible? It's the discipline it takes to humble ourselves and place our ideas and goals aside for the greater good. That takes the empowering of the Holy Spirit because it is counterintuitive to our humanistic nature. When we submit our will to God’s will and unify as the body of Christ, our centralized focus becomes His will being done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Our unity as a body of believers walking in agreement with the Holy Spirit positions us for a shift in the heavens that manifests on earth through us. This manifests as having compassion, understanding, and love for one another. Unity shows up as support for someone who is really struggling to be understood or as strength for those who are weak. There is peace and confidence that exudes from us because we know we have the fellowship and collaborative thoughts and prayers of our sisters and brothers in Christ.
Living harmoniously together in unity is so pleasing to God our Father that when we live this out, He bestows a life blessing on us! The enemy desires to keep us divided and focused on self-gain, and let’s be real; it’s a trap we have become familiar with at one time or another. But God gives us grace and His strength to stay in step with Him and other believers around us and stay focused on our Kingdom purpose.
There is an old African proverb that says, "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together." As a unit, working together makes such a big difference, not just in your sport but in life. More than ever, we need to move in unison as God’s children and shine His love into a world in need of Him. Let’s work to move as one.
Joy Cofield serves as the EVP of Human Resources at the Support Center in Kansas City, Mo., where she oversees hiring, payroll, benefit, HR policy, employee relations, and HR compliance for the organization. The mother of a former collegiate athlete, and a coach, she understands and values the impact of the ministry of FCA. She and her husband have been married for 30 years. They have two adult children and one beautiful granddaughter and reside in Kansas City, Kansas.
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