Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.
— Romans 12:15
Imagine doing what you are doing today for 34 years! Statistics say the average employee stays with their employer for just 4 years! It seems like yesterday that I joined the FCA team and now have been serving in this amazing, miraculous ministry for 34 years. Every moment, day and year has been a joy and blessing seeing God transform coaches and athletes lives around the world. It never gets old, boring or routine.
I remember in my first year of ministry, a mentor told me to read “The Making of a Leader” by Bobby Clinton. According to his research of 1,300 leaders from scripture, church history and today, only 1 in 3 spiritual leaders finish well! Bottom line, spiritual leaders are crashing and burning.
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to finish well? The “win” is to live well, finish well, and die well—to be faithful to the very end. That’s why personal connections are key. We need to invest our time in personal relationships and build trust. We need to move from sitting and listing to walking and growing. The four levels of walking and growing are rows, circles, faces, and shoulders.
Circles are better than rows.
Faces are better than circles.
Shoulders are better than faces.
Teaching Rows
Going to church and sitting in rows in a sanctuary provides a strong foundation. Teaching and corporate worship is essential for every person. Being a part of a local church provides us with instruction and encouragement. However, this is the start, not the end.
Community Circles
There has been a huge swing toward getting people in circles or small groups. This is where open sharing and listening can take place. Circles give us opportunities to connect personally with others and take comfort that we are not alone no matter what we are going through.
Training Faces
Meeting face-to-face with someone who is committed to invest in your life provides great insight and direction. A mentor wants to see you become the person God made you to be and navigate life with impact and significance.
Powerful Shoulders
When we have someone who will go with us, we’ve got shoulders to lean on through trials, tests, blessings, and victories. God desires us to experience life together. And walking shoulder-to-shoulder with a trusted friend changes everything. This will ensure we finish well.
Father, I desire rows for teaching, circles for community,
faces for training, and shoulders for power. Amen.