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Living from the Overflow

Published on October 02, 2024

Sarah Freymuth

When we find our name on the final roster, our chests fill with excitement, pride and anticipation. What we’ve worked toward and hoped for has become reality! When we love something, we put everything we have into it. That could be our sport, a hobby, or even a specific area of study we want to turn into a career. We live and breathe what’s important to us. But this can lead to a rickety foundation if what we’ve placed our hope in disappoints us or crumbles unexpectedly.

The sure bet of building a life around something that sustains is building from the overflow of God’s love. God gave Jesus to take our sin and introduce us to a life of value, meaning and impact.

“’A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.’” –John 10:10

Jesus pointed out how vastly different the thief of our souls is from our Savior. Where the enemy leads us down a path of discord, hurt and destruction, Jesus, our good Shepherd, brings a life full of abundance, unity and light.

How great would it be to live out of a fullness that comes from staying close to God? There are a few things to keep us in close relationship with God that let us live joyfully, attentive and intentional.

God has so much more in store for us than we can even imagine. Beyond any championship, accolade or success, God wants to give us an abundant life in Him. How does living out of the fullness He promises make a difference in both our lives and in the lives of those around us?

Take a minute and listen to the voice of Jesus, reminding you of what it looks like to live in the promises and overflow of His love. 

Read the rest of the article to find out how to live in overflowing joy, hope and grace.