Vision: To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes
What A Year!
Can you believe 2013 is almost over? Looking back, it has been an amazing year of the Lord working powerfully throughout the world. FCA International has grown rapidly this past year as we have served and trained sports leaders in 30 countries, reached thousands through our camp ministry, trained hundreds of leaders on how to develop sports ministry, and distributed Bibles, devotionals and resources throughout the world. Thank you for your generosity and support to make this possible. Please join us in 2014 and consider making a strategic year-end gift. Give today.

1,625% Increase in Camps
We experienced amazing growth this past summer through our International FCA Camp Ministry. We had 87 international camps in 25 countries that reached 13,115 athletes and coaches with 458 decisions for Christ! We more than doubled from last year (48 camps reaching 5,352 athletes) and we have experienced an increase of 1,625% since 2007! Many of our international leaders were certified to direct camps through our Camp Training School.

Devotions and Bibles
We continue to see opportunities to develop ministry resources in different languages. We contextualize and translate our existing FCA materials, such as our devotions and Bibles, in different languages to help our staff reach coaches and athletes. For example, the first-ever sports devotional in Chinese that was approved by the Chinese government was developed with our publishing partner. We are utilizing this key resource to develop ministry with college, professional and Olympic athletes.
Read more.

Impact in FCA Ukraine and Singapore: Andriy and Reon
God is raising up amazing FCA leaders internationally to make an enormous difference. Reon Tay of Singapore and Andriy Kravtsov of Ukraine are two leaders whom God has given a vision to develop sports ministry in their countries. We desire to continue to identify leaders like Reon and Andriy who want to see their country impacted for Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. These are just two of many amazing leaders God is using to change the world!
Read more about Andriy and FCA Ukraine.
Read more about Reon and FCA Singapore.