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Q&A: Teige Morrell–Perth Lynx

Published on February 26, 2025


Teige Morrell played college basketball for the Nevada Wolf Pack (Teige Zeller), and after graduating, moved to Australia to play ball professionally in the Womens National Basketball LeagueThe power forward was involved with FCA during her school years in the United States and connected with FCA Australia Leader Jim Dayhew when he began forming ministry around the country and has seen God move in her life in incredible ways when she and her husband took a leap of faith and moved across the world.

FCA: How did you end up playing basketball in Australia?

Australia was my dream place to play, but we thought I would end up in Europe. After six months of waiting and multiple opportunities from Europe falling through, I received an email from a man by the name of Mike Osborne saying he got my info from Athletes in Action and heard I may have an interest in playing in Australia. As soon as I read it, I knew this was what the long wait was for!

FCA: What was a challenge for you first moving there?

The biggest challenge was getting used to shopping centers closing at 5 PM on the weekendsBut we had great people around us who helped us with all the tiny details like phones, bank accounts, health insuranceetc. We came to fall in love with Australia and the way of living here, so it wasntoo much of a challenge. It also helped heaps that I had my husband on the adventure with me. Yes, we missed family, but we were having the time of our lives and continue to love it here to this day.

FCA: How have you seen God at work in your life through your time in Australia?

major theme was Ephesians 3:20Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us

There are too many things to mention of Gods fingerprints all over this journey, but one beautiful example is how, after prayer and counsel, my husband David left everything he knewincluding a very secure teaching job in the Statesto do life with me in Australia. He had no job lined up at the time, but he quickly got included as my teams assistant coach that season. Three years laterwe moved across the country from Adelaide to Perth for his own coaching jobI just know God continues to bless us because of his obedience. 

FCA: How do you give glory to God through basketball?

Ioutspoken about my faithWe look for any opportunity that presents itself to speak about our faith within our circle of influence. 

With social media these days, I think its also important to use your platform intentionally for giving God gloryI love to do that as much as possible. Most importantly, I try to give God glory by ensuring that I am truly playing for Him and Him alone. Its not easy, but it is Gods design for us. To bring God glory through our sport, it is essential to get off the emotional rollercoaster ride and, instead, keep our eyes focused on Christs perfect love for us.

FCA: How did you connect with FCA?

I first discovered FCA as a middle schooler in New Mexicoit was one of the most exciting things to know there is such a strong organization supporting Christian athletes, so I latched on quickly. Mdad worked at the high school, and we helped get a Huddle started there. When I was a freshman, I became vice president. We started another Huddle when we moved from Grants to Los LunasNew Mexico. The FCA community at Nevada was a huge draw for me when I chose what university to attend, and I became involved with FCA there as wellhelping with the UCLA camp my junior and senior yearand leading a womens FCA Bible study. 

When David and I came to Australia, it was only natural for us to keep it going. Basketball is our mission field, and I know we are here for the Kingdom!

FCA: What are you currently doing with FCA?

My husband and I have been running the Perth FCA Huddle since March 2023Every last Wednesday of the monthwe meet for dinner and Bible study to help encourage Christian athletes all across Perth. We have been able to build deep friendships and even see an athlete accept Christ and get baptized! There is also potential to partner with a local club which will help us not only have a home to branch out from, but some massive support in promoting our presence around the cityWe would love all the support via prayers we can get for growth and continued guidanceas we are expectant of big things in 2025! 

FCA: Is there any advice youd give to an athlete who wants to further their basketball career?

Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 

This verse is truly everything for a Christian athlete wanting to glorify God through their sport and further their basketball career for the Kingdom. I dont think its possible to be on mission for Christ as an athlete and not face serious spiritual warfarebut the only way to conquer and the transformation journey that Christ intends for us is to not conform to the world and not allow the sporting culture to infiltrate our Kingdom-minded goals. How do we do this? By staying connected to God and constantly renewing our minds with the truth of His Wordthat he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). Trust His good, pleasing and PERFECT will and you cannot go wrong! 

If you feel like God is calling you to play a sportjoin your local FCA community and do everything in your power to attend the Huddles, engage with that community and be encouraged along your journeyI know it will be extremely impactful to your sport and life.




Photos courtesy of Teige Morrell and Perth Lynx