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Eternal Significance

Published on August 22, 2012

Les Steckel

Looking back over the past 58 years that FCA has been influencing coaches and athletes throughout the world for Jesus Christ, I can tell you there has never been a more exciting time for this ministry. I wish I had more time to tell you all about the amazing stories of what God is doing, and I’m excited to see what he has in store for our future—including this first issue of FCA Magazine!

With that excitement, though, comes a challenge inspired by a book I read by Richard E. Simmons III called, “The True Measure of a Man.” The book begins by asking a question we all ask ourselves: “What do people really think of me?” We ask this question because today's world tells us that it's all about what we do, how successful we are and the recognition we receive. I’ve often found we are just chasing power, prominence and possessions, but in the process we’re missing it all. We're all guilty—men and women—of trying to impress and please people, and the question that I would ask you (as I often ask myself) is, who are we trying to please?

I believe a person gets his identity in life based on how the most important person in his life sees him. So, is Jesus Christ, whom we as Christians claim to be our Lord and Savior, the most important person in your life? If He is, that's tremendous. But for most of us—believers and nonbelievers—that’s not the case. And the toll that takes on us by constantly trying to please the people in our lives is causing us a tremendous amount of stress—stress that pulls us from one end to the other. I’ve met countless people who say they're overloaded, overwhelmed or too busy, and the stress of life is just tearing them apart. When this happens, we see divorce, joblessness, family separation, drinking problems, anger, depression… The list goes on and on!

Dr. Larry Crabb says the two basic psychological needs in our lives are security and significance. So, where are you finding your security and significance? In your relationships with people and status in this world, or in your relationship with your Heavenly Father and your status in His Kingdom?

I pray that you would come to know Jesus in a personal way, and that the Holy Spirit would lead, guide and direct you. When you’re faced with the messages and demands of this world from the media, Internet, radio and television, or family, friends, bosses and coworkers, that you wouldn’t forget your ultimate security and significance comes only from Jesus. We all have the capacity to be faithful to those people and things that are most important in our lives. But above all else, are you being faithful to the One who gives you life and has allowed you the opportunity to have eternal life, too?

The true measure of a man or woman will never be found in power and possessions, but can only be found through an intimate, personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The freedom to escape the expectations of this world is yours, if you are willing to accept it. No longer will you have to ask what others think of you, because you know your significance is secure in the loving arms of your Heavenly Father.

Model the Master,

Les Steckel, FCA President/CEO