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Published on April 30, 2013

Jimmy Page

“For I am persuaded that not even death or life, angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers, height or depth, or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!” – Romans 8:38-39

My two oldest boys were eagerly awaiting the start of the lacrosse season. Jimmy, a senior, and Jacob, a sophomore, had both been starters on their championship team last year and couldn’t wait to begin the journey to defend the title. We’d spent hours in the gym preparing, getting stronger, and improving speed and quickness. They paid the price to be ready for the start of spring practice, even enduring 20-degree weather to spend hours outside doing shooting and passing drills at full speed.

So when practice started, there was tangible excitement and anticipation for a great year ahead. The energy and enthusiasm was bubbling over. (I might’ve been even more excited than they were!)

The early practices went well and soon they were ready for their first game—a scrimmage against a team from a higher league. Jacob won the first face-off, and his team scored first. He won the second face-off, then got a return pass near the crease and scored.

Perfect start, right? Not quite. Jacob was pushed after the shot and, as he braced his fall with his right hand, broke his wrist. As my wife took him to the hospital for X-rays, the disaster didn’t stop. Jimmy broke his wrist while keeping a ball in play near the sideline.

Within the first 10 minutes of the season, both boys had broken their wrists. One was in a cast, and the other needed surgery to repair the bones. After all the hard work and preparation, we never could have expected such a rough beginning.

Jacob’s and Jimmy’s injuries were season-ending, and, really, life-changing moments. Moments like those happen all the time, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. That same week, one of our young pastors—a healthy 40-year-old—had a major heart attack that nearly took his life. At 37, my healthy wife was diagnosed with cancer. My father suffered a debilitating stroke soon after retiring.

When I worked in the health industry, we encountered hundreds of people each year who had received life-changing news from their doctors that they were on the road to an early death if they continued to make unhealthy choices with food, stress and a lack of exercise.

Sometimes life-changers are unexpected and out of our control; sometimes they are the result of small decisions we have made along the way. Little choices often lead to big outcomes. Small steps lead to giant leaps. Every decision, every action, every thought and every word counts. And while we don't necessarily see the effect during each moment along the way, the little things we do—or don't do—add up.

These life-changing moments have a way of marking us and can completely change the direction of our lives. As believers, we know that “all things work together for the good of those who love God.” (Romans 8:28) But how we respond to these life-changers will largely determine our future direction and destiny.

  • Will we allow God to teach us and shape us during difficult times?
  • Will we allow Him to turn our trials into testimonies?
  • Will the adversity and change of plans defeat us and make us bitter, or will we allow God to use them to make us better?
  • Will these life-changers move us toward God or away from Him?
  • Will we choose to see the opportunity in front of us, or the obstacle in our way?

No life-changing adversity or blessing can separate us from the love of Christ. We can be more than conquerors through Him. Neither our present circumstances nor even things that are on the way can change His love for us—not the mountaintop of success and favor nor the valley of adversity and disappointment. God is there in the midst of all our life-changing moments.

You may be facing an unexpected life-changer, but it was not a surprise to God. He holds all of our days and moments in His hands. He has what is best for us in mind.

So, no matter what you may be facing today, ask God for wisdom. Ask Him to give you direction. Make choices that put you on the path to blessing. And know that no matter the situation, nothing can separate you from God’s love.

Originally Published: May 2013