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Be the "True You"

Published on May 01, 2014

Jimmy Page

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20 (NIV)

Everybody wants to be somebody. Some people really want to be somebody else. Most of us spend an incredible amount of time not only searching for our identity, but trying to create it. We carefully choose the clothes we wear to project a certain image. Nike and Under Armour promise to make us into winners, and we love to identify with winning sports teams because it says something about who we are. We’re desperate to create a “brand” that projects a certain image, but oftentimes we’re trying to be something we’re really not.

The simplest definition of identity is “who you really are.” It’s the true you.

It’s not what you wear. It’s not what you look like. It’s not what you do or even how well you do it. It’s also not what you have, where you live or what you drive. It’s not tied to the school you attend, the team you play for or the awards you get. It’s not even tied to whether you are fit or fat. These are all outside things that have nothing to do with your true identity—the “true you.”

Millions of people never live out their own true identity. They exchange their “true you” for a faulty image to live up to others’ expectations. Or they suffer from a lost identity, where they get stuck in their old ways of thinking, speaking and acting.

The “true you” can only be found on the inside.

It’s easier to change appearances than realities. Neither is simple, but it’s far tougher to do the hard work of becoming Christ-like on the inside than it is to create a false identity on the outside. Change your car, job, clothes, house, weight or friends? That’s a piece of cake compared to changing your character, which can be painful and time-consuming.

That’s why so many people would rather steal somebody else’s identity. It’s easier and far less risky than being the “true you.”

Changing the outside never changes the inside.

Appearances and circumstances never fix the stuff going on inside, but what’s going on inside often shows up on the outside. As Christians, we’ve had our original identity re-stored. The sin that stole your “true you” and separated you from God has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus on the cross. Now you have a new identity, not simply in name, but throughout your entire being, as only He can do.

When you place your faith in Jesus, your old identity passes away, and the “true you” comes to life. Is the process complete? No. But it has begun. God’s transformational work is underway. Your heart, mind, thoughts and attitudes will be changed. You have been set free from your sin and can now become everything God designed you to be, no longer a slave to your cravings and old habits that prevent you from reaching your God-given potential.

So why is it so hard to live as the “true you” and enjoy the full life God created you for?

Why is it so hard to live a truly healthy life? Why is it so hard to stay on track? It’s easier to settle for appearances instead of reality. Establishing a healthy identity in Christ, your “true you,” means paying attention to what you think, say and do.


Do I THINK like Jesus? – Our old ways of thinking steal our new identity and leave us discouraged and pessimistic. Jesus wants us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Healthy thoughts lead to healthy words.

Do I TALK like Jesus? – The old words we spoke bring death instead of life. Jesus wants us to say only what builds people up, including ourselves. Healthy words lead to healthy actions.

Do I ACT like Jesus? – Our old ways of doing things prevent us from making our de-sired changes. We get stuck in old habits that tear us down. God wants us to take care of our health and honor Him by presenting our bodies as living sacrifices. Healthy habits lead to a healthy life.


If you want to be your “true you,” you need to seek Jesus first. Ask Him to transform the way you think, the words you speak and the things you do. This will give you power to make positive changes that result in a healthier you from the inside out!

Originally published May 2014