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2014 FCA Camp Season

Published on May 28, 2014



The Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ 2014 camp season has arrived to encourage athletes to go “All In” for Jesus Christ. FCA Camps attract approximately 60,000 athletes and coaches to 450 camps across the country and internationally. Camp participants receive outstanding sports training, hear compelling speakers, small group time with college athletes and opportunities to dig into the Bible and develop spiritual core values.

The “All In” theme is based on Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (HCSB) Going “All In” requires total surrender of plans. It requires a complete commitment to the goal. It requires absolute trust in the coach. It requires the courage to go big or go home. It requires a leap of faith.

“FCA campers around the world will discover how Jesus Christ was “All In” for them and they can be “All In” for Him,” Jeff Martin, FCA Executive Vice President of Ministry Programs and Resources, said.

Camp Ministry is a significant aspect of FCA’s ministry. It’s a time for athletes and coaches to reach their potential by offering comprehensive athletic, spiritual and leadership training. This life-changing impact has been an integral part of FCA Camps since the first camp in Estes Park, Colo., in 1956.

FCA Sports, Team, Partnership and Power Camps, open to boys and girls between the ages of 8–18 years old, are geared towards teams and individuals at the youth, middle school and high school levels. FCA offers camps in over 30 different sports.

FCA also offers camps that focus on leadership and coaches. Leadership Camps are for student-athletes, coaches and volunteers who serve as leaders on their local campuses. These camps focus on teaching practical skills for Christian growth and development as an effective campus leader.

Coaches Camps are designed to minister, equip and encourage coaches through Bible studies, small groups, fellowship, prayer support, discipleship and mentoring. “Couples Getaways” are weekend retreats for coaches and their spouses to break away for a time of refreshment.

“FCA Camps are an incredible opportunity for coaches and athletes to grow athletically, relationally and spiritually,” said Martin. “Our prayer is that God will move in power this summer at each and every FCA Camp.”

To find out more about FCA Camps, including specific types of camps and dates, as well as registration information, visit www.fcacamps.org or call 1-866-269-2267.


A sold-out athlete never wavers in competition. A sold-out athlete doesn’t look back. A sold-out athlete is consumed by a single goal. When an athlete is “All In”, body, mind and spirit, there are no limits on what he or she can accomplish.

2014 FCA Camp Season

Published on May 28, 2014



The Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ 2014 camp season has arrived to encourage athletes to go “All In” for Jesus Christ. FCA Camps attract approximately 60,000 athletes and coaches to 450 camps across the country and internationally. Camp participants receive outstanding sports training, hear compelling speakers, small group time with college athletes and opportunities to dig into the Bible and develop spiritual core values.

The “All In” theme is based on Colossians 3:17: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (HCSB) Going “All In” requires total surrender of plans. It requires a complete commitment to the goal. It requires absolute trust in the coach. It requires the courage to go big or go home. It requires a leap of faith.

“FCA campers around the world will discover how Jesus Christ was “All In” for them and they can be “All In” for Him,” Jeff Martin, FCA Executive Vice President of Ministry Programs and Resources, said.

Camp Ministry is a significant aspect of FCA’s ministry. It’s a time for athletes and coaches to reach their potential by offering comprehensive athletic, spiritual and leadership training. This life-changing impact has been an integral part of FCA Camps since the first camp in Estes Park, Colo., in 1956.

FCA Sports, Team, Partnership and Power Camps, open to boys and girls between the ages of 8–18 years old, are geared towards teams and individuals at the youth, middle school and high school levels. FCA offers camps in over 30 different sports.

FCA also offers camps that focus on leadership and coaches. Leadership Camps are for student-athletes, coaches and volunteers who serve as leaders on their local campuses. These camps focus on teaching practical skills for Christian growth and development as an effective campus leader.

Coaches Camps are designed to minister, equip and encourage coaches through Bible studies, small groups, fellowship, prayer support, discipleship and mentoring. “Couples Getaways” are weekend retreats for coaches and their spouses to break away for a time of refreshment.

“FCA Camps are an incredible opportunity for coaches and athletes to grow athletically, relationally and spiritually,” said Martin. “Our prayer is that God will move in power this summer at each and every FCA Camp.”

To find out more about FCA Camps, including specific types of camps and dates, as well as registration information, visit www.fcacamps.org or call 1-866-269-2267.


A sold-out athlete never wavers in competition. A sold-out athlete doesn’t look back. A sold-out athlete is consumed by a single goal. When an athlete is “All In”, body, mind and spirit, there are no limits on what he or she can accomplish.