God continues to use Fields of Faith as one of the most significant evangelistic outreaches FCA conducts each year. The 2014 event had an incredible impact on over 28,000 students across the country. More than 187,000 students participated on 505 athletic fields for an evening of worship, testimony and commitment.
Of those attendees, 6,270 made commitments to Christ, 8,297 recommitted to Christ, and 13,711 made commitments to read the Bible.
Through an increased social media presence, students and volunteers were encouraged to detail their night via Twitter, and @fieldsoffaith lit up with staff, students and volunteers logging their events with #FOF14.

Tweets and stories came in from across the country:
@skylerd12345: Went to fields of Faith last night! It was really awesome! Saw lots of people,and best of all my best friend got saved #BigCountryFCA #FOF14
@GigiHeat: Hundreds came, Jesus was magnified & lives will forever be changed! Glory to His name! @fieldsoffaith @FCAscArkansas
@mkenna_dh: My soul was stirred tonight @fieldsoffaith. God will move at Richland High one day soon #ToHimShallBeTheGlory
@nphsfca: At Fields of Faith tonight we were reminded that we are wholly loved and fully accepted by THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE!! #FOF
@IndianaFCA: Proud of our speakers tonight @fieldsoffaith. They showed courage as they shared their faith in Jesus Christ.
@nikkorod10@: I just screamed for Jesus #fof14
To encourage and strengthen attendees after the event to continue their commitments, FCA partnered with YouVersion for a Bible reading app called 21.5 Days with God. It walks readers through the story of King Josiah and then sets out on a 21-day journey through the Gospel of John. Over 10,600 attendees opted-in via text messages to receive the YouVersion app and reading plan.
God continues to move in the hearts of student-athletes across the country, strengthening His influence and drawing people to Himself through Fields of Faith, impacting over one million people since it first began in 2004.
To sign up for the 21.5 days Bible reading plan, head to fcaresources.com.
Photos courtesy of @GiGiHeat, @LibraryDawg and @katieearles