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The Biggest Winners!

Published on January 05, 2015

Jimmy Page

“… I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race…” – Philippians 3:13-14 (NLT)

I absolutely love The Biggest Loser. The latest season features former high school, college, professional and even Olympic athletes! Unfortunately, all of the participants were in the worst shape of their lives, some so unhealthy that doctors warned they might be dead in less than five years if they didn't radically alter their lifestyle.

Each of these athletes failed to make a successful transition to ordinary life. They could tell you their playing weight back in the day, but none had a clue what their weight should be for peak performance in life. Each had to address the issues that got them there: lost identity, broken relationships, loss of a loved one and self-destructive behaviors. Personal trainers helped them break through those obstacles and build new habits to become healthy once again.

It was like this was a new beginning, their greatest opportunity to get their health—and their lives—back.

I love new starts, New Years and clean slates. Most of us do. It’s why every year 87 percent of us make New Year’s resolutions. The potential of “new” is energizing and brings us a sense of hope and optimism, and we use the “clean slate” at the start of a new year to say we’ll start something, break a bad habit, achieve a goal, and on and on.

Unfortunately, there’s a gap between our intentions and our actions. Good intentions soon meet reality, and most of us experience the same frustrating results. Statistics say half of those who make resolutions fail or quit within 30 days.

But I believe, there are three simple keys to success that can produce great results: Focus, Faith and Encouragement.



“You gotta see it to believe it.” The biggest barrier to life change is a lack of focus. We try to do too much, get overwhelmed, lose sight of our goals, and then give up. Success requires laser-like focus on the goal. Distractions and lack of discipline make us lose track of the finish line. At The Biggest Loser ranch, they eliminate all possible distractions. Focus is the name of the game.

Many years ago, my friend Dan Britton and I began each year by narrowing our focus to just “One Word.” By developing a one-word theme for the year, we discovered a secret to life change: Less is best. The simplicity of focusing on one word for the year brought clarity and reduced distractions.

In Philippians 3, Paul pioneered the idea of focusing on one thing, putting his past behind him and pressing on with focus. Narrowing the focus allows us to keep our eyes on the prize, finish the race and receive the reward.



“You gotta have faith to attain it.” When challenges, disappointments and plateaus come (as they always do), do you realize that your own willpower and effort are not enough? You need more. You need the help of the Spirit to overcome the temptations of the flesh. You need the energy of God to move you when you feel like sitting and to push you when you feel like quitting.

Colossians 1:29 (NIV) says, “To this end [spiritual maturity] I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”

Faith is a certainty of belief. We must depend on God’s mighty power to work within us even when we feel like giving up.



“You gotta hear it to sustain it.” Most of us hear very little encouragement in a typical day. A little encouragement goes a long way, but a lot goes further! Every competitor responds positively to encouragement, even when it is followed by some tough coaching.

“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” – Hebrews 3:13 (NIV)

When encouragement comes from a coach who cares deeply about you, most competitors will find a way to make it happen. If you notice something positive, speak up!


Focus, faith, and encouragement help us finish the race. They allow us to stay on track, believe even when it’s hard, and reach our goals.

As we begin this New Year, let’s try a new approach. Pick your one word for the year to provide focus. Rely on the energy of God to get you through the toughest days, and surround yourselves with those who will encourage you along the way!


–This article appears in the January/February 2015 issue of FCA Magazine. To view the issue in its entirety digitally, click here: Jan/Feb 2015 FCA Mag Digital 

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