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FCA Camp 2015: In My Voice, Week 4 Part 1

Published on August 17, 2015


Thousands of coaches and athletes are participating at an FCA Camp around the country and world this summer. Here are a few reflections from the hearts and minds of faces seen around camp.

Bob Debby

Debby and Bob (married)


Name: Debby
Position: Volunteer
Camp Experience: 1 year

Name: Bob
School: Chapman University
Sport: Football
Position: Coach
Camp Experience: 1 year


FCA: What do you think of camp?

Debby: It’s great to see how this is all with and for the kids.

Bob: I like seeing God’s hand at work and the transformation from day to night, both athletically and at nightly worship.

FCA: What have you enjoyed this week?

Debby: To see the kids work their bodies all day, and then work their spirits and minds at night.

Bob: It’s been wonderful to experience all the planning, organization and prayer the staff put in for this camp. To see that prayer in action is incredible.

Debby: Yes, the kids have been prayed for for over a year—that’s amazing!

FCA: How have you been impacted?

Bob: It’s gratifying to see the coaches come out and be enthusiastic and care about the athletes. 



Name: Valerie
School: Modesto Junior College
Position: Student Athletic Trainer (girls soccer)
Camp Experience: 1 year


FCA: How did you hear about camp?

Valerie: Through a friend. I liked the concept behind it, and being a student I thought it would be a good opportunity to gain athletic training experience and grow my faith.

FCA: What are you looking forward to?

Valerie: Keeping the athletes happy and healthy, and if something else happens, praying for the Lord to help me know how to deal with it.

FCA: What do you like about what you’re doing?

Valerie: I like the part of the job being directly involved with the athletes and practice, and being able to directly work with them.



Name: Scott
School: University of Nebraska
Position: Huddle Leader (basketball)

FCA: Why did you become a Huddle Leader?

Scott: I went to camp in high school and got connected by a friend inviting me to FCA. At camp my junior year, worship broke me down and I realized what I needed in my life. Now I want to give kids here what I had and bring an army up for God.

FCA: What’s different about being a Huddle Leader?

Scott: It’s different than I thought. The kids are crazy during the day, but asking questions at night. I’m trying to give them answers while seeing them growing stronger.

FCA: How has God been speaking to you?

Scott: I’ve been praying for patience and understanding. I can’t do it on my own, and I’m hoping that if I plant the seed, God will do the rest.

Previous In My Voice Articles:

In My Voice July 27
In My Voice July 30
In My Voice August 3
In My Voice August 6
In My Voice August 10
In My Voice August 13

****Want to share an impactful moment that came from your camp? Send us a photo and quote to mag@fca.org or link up to us at @FCANews and Facebook.

FCA Camp 2015: In My Voice, Week 4 Part 1

Published on August 17, 2015


Thousands of coaches and athletes are participating at an FCA Camp around the country and world this summer. Here are a few reflections from the hearts and minds of faces seen around camp.

Bob Debby

Debby and Bob (married)


Name: Debby
Position: Volunteer
Camp Experience: 1 year

Name: Bob
School: Chapman University
Sport: Football
Position: Coach
Camp Experience: 1 year


FCA: What do you think of camp?

Debby: It’s great to see how this is all with and for the kids.

Bob: I like seeing God’s hand at work and the transformation from day to night, both athletically and at nightly worship.

FCA: What have you enjoyed this week?

Debby: To see the kids work their bodies all day, and then work their spirits and minds at night.

Bob: It’s been wonderful to experience all the planning, organization and prayer the staff put in for this camp. To see that prayer in action is incredible.

Debby: Yes, the kids have been prayed for for over a year—that’s amazing!

FCA: How have you been impacted?

Bob: It’s gratifying to see the coaches come out and be enthusiastic and care about the athletes. 



Name: Valerie
School: Modesto Junior College
Position: Student Athletic Trainer (girls soccer)
Camp Experience: 1 year


FCA: How did you hear about camp?

Valerie: Through a friend. I liked the concept behind it, and being a student I thought it would be a good opportunity to gain athletic training experience and grow my faith.

FCA: What are you looking forward to?

Valerie: Keeping the athletes happy and healthy, and if something else happens, praying for the Lord to help me know how to deal with it.

FCA: What do you like about what you’re doing?

Valerie: I like the part of the job being directly involved with the athletes and practice, and being able to directly work with them.



Name: Scott
School: University of Nebraska
Position: Huddle Leader (basketball)

FCA: Why did you become a Huddle Leader?

Scott: I went to camp in high school and got connected by a friend inviting me to FCA. At camp my junior year, worship broke me down and I realized what I needed in my life. Now I want to give kids here what I had and bring an army up for God.

FCA: What’s different about being a Huddle Leader?

Scott: It’s different than I thought. The kids are crazy during the day, but asking questions at night. I’m trying to give them answers while seeing them growing stronger.

FCA: How has God been speaking to you?

Scott: I’ve been praying for patience and understanding. I can’t do it on my own, and I’m hoping that if I plant the seed, God will do the rest.

Previous In My Voice Articles:

In My Voice July 27
In My Voice July 30
In My Voice August 3
In My Voice August 6
In My Voice August 10
In My Voice August 13

****Want to share an impactful moment that came from your camp? Send us a photo and quote to mag@fca.org or link up to us at @FCANews and Facebook.