Thousands of coaches and athletes are participating at an FCA Camp around the country and world this summer. Here are a few reflections from the hearts and minds of faces seen around camp.
Rae’ Hijah and Zamarri
Name: Rae’ Hijah
School: Carlsbad High School
Sport: Basketball
Year: Freshman
FCA: How did you hear about camp?
Rae’ Hijah: My dad is head of surf in our area, so I’ve come with my family in past years. When I got old enough, I knew I wanted to come as a camper.
FCA: What’s made the biggest impact on you so far?
Rae’ Hijah: Program was cool, especially the comedian and spoken word. Kristin’s message on the hashtag was very clever and clear.
FCA: How will you keep faith momentum when you go home?
Rae’ Hijah: We get really encouraged here, so when you go back, you go back encouraged to keep it up in your community.
Name: Zamarri
School: Carson High School
Sport: Basketball
Year: Sophomore
FCA: Why are you here?
Zamarri: This is my first overnight camp. I’m here to gain more faith in God, learn about Him in other ways, improve my skills and play for Him.
FCA: What have you noticed about camp environment?
Zamarri: It’s very open and friendly. You don’t have to worry about drama. Everyone talks to each other; you say hi and they say hi back.
FCA: How has God appeared to you this week?
Zamarri: By helping me be confident in my shot and play, and showing up at the concert. Hearing Him more at worship and Huddles. At school I’m not as much of a talker. When I first came here I only talked to two girls I came with, but then I got my roommate who talked to me, and soon I talked to others. Everyone is open and friendly in Huddle discussion.

Name: Austyn
School: La Mirada High School
Sport: Surf
Year: Senior
Camp Experience: 1 year
FCA: How is camp?
Austyn: Awesome. I’ve felt God speaking to me and felt His presence in my mind. I’ve been struggling with something each night and God spoke to me about it.
FCA: What’s been your favorite camp moment?
Austyn: I love the night meetings. Both so far have been spectacular in so many different ways.
FCA: What have you been learning this week?
Austyn: Be faithful and trust God. You’ve been forgiven. Praise God for all you do. Focus on obedience and praise.

Name: Garrett
School: Clovis High School
Sport: Tennis
Year: Sophomore
Camp Experience: 2 years
FCA: What do you like about camp?
Garrett: Getting closer to God, seeing people accept Jesus and move in their relationship with Him.
FCA: What’s been a highlight for you?
Garrett: Worship is pretty cool. I saw a couple kids surrender their lives to Christ. Personally, it’s been reading Bible verses and memorizing them.
FCA: Do you have any overall observations of camp?
Garrett: Here a lot of people dedicate their lives, and coaches support them, giving high-fives in the hallway. It’s a great experience and I recommend it.
Previous In My Voice Articles:
In My Voice July 27
In My Voice July 30
In My Voice August 3
In My Voice August 6
In My Voice August 10
In My Voice August 13
In My Voice August 17
In My Voice August 20
In My Voice August 24
In My Voice August 27
In My Voice August 31
****Want to share an impactful moment that came from your camp? Send us a photo and quote to or link up to us at @FCANews and Facebook.