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FCA Gearing Up For 60th Camp Season

Published on February 22, 2016

Final preparations have begun at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) for its 60th year of FCA Camps. Planning to reach in upwards of 100,000, the theme for the 2016 FCA Camp season is “RISE,” based in the Bible verse Joshua 1:9.

In 2015, FCA’s Camp Ministry experienced a record-shattering year, with a total attendance of 94,505 at 619 Camps in 41 states and 36 countries around the world. Additionally, 9,978 Camp participants made salvation decisions to follow Jesus Christ, and 12,198 made recommitments to the Lord.

“For six decades, FCA Camps have been bringing life-changing impact to hundreds of thousands of coaches and athletes,” said FCA President and CEO Les Steckel. “This summer, athletes, along with coaches and their teams, will be pushed, stretched and challenged to grow in their sport and in their relationship with Jesus Christ through more than 600 camps nationwide and around the world. With a theme of ‘RISE,’ FCA Camps are life-changing and offer valuable lifelong lessons, both on and off the playing field.”

60th Year of FCA Camps In 1956, the FCA Camp Ministry was launched in Estes Park, Colo., and continues to be one of the most effective ministries of FCA.

In attendance for that first camp were FCA founder Don McClanen, along with former Pittsburgh Pirates GM Branch Rickey, who gave the keynote message that called for a bold witness for Jesus Christ and the Church, as well as others who were instrumental in the formation of FCA.

In fact, the FCA Camps key phrase, “inspiration and perspiration,” was born that week, with 256 coaches and athletes in attendance.
FCA Camps take the best attributes of an athletic-focused camp and a spiritual-focused camp and combines them into an athletic/spiritual experience like none other. FCA Camps remove athletes and coaches from the rut and routine of their sport, friends, co-workers and community and place them into an exciting, healthy, athletic environment that allows them to pursue their passion for sport and clearly see and hear Christ’s passion for them.

Said one past camper, “FCA Camp was absolutely amazing. It has made me come back wanting to make an impact on this community and go all in for the Lord. Camp made me grow in my relationship with Christ so much more and has taught me many things that I never knew about myself.”

FCA has a special web site and promotional video dedicated to the 2016 camp season highlighting the “RISE” theme, which centers on the Bible verse: “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”—Joshua 1:9 (NLT).

Over the years, different camp types have emerged as effective strategies to minister to coaches and athletes, but the successful principle established six decades ago remains the same—to create an athletic environment that produces spiritual transformation in the lives of coaches and athletes in a camp setting.

Several FCA Camps are available for coaches, student-athletes, leaders and teams, both in the U.S. and internationally:

Coaches Camps challenge coaches in their faith and family life, and allow coaches to be spiritually, relationally and professionally refreshed. Coaches Camps are for single and married coaches and their families and are designed to minister, to equip and to encourage. FCA Camps minister to coaches through Bible studies, small groups, fellowship, prayer support, discipleship and mentoring. For more information, click here.

Sports Camps focus on “Training the Total Athlete” and develop athletes mentally, physically and spiritually. Sports Camps are for athletes and coaches who want to develop their athletic skills. Outstanding instruction, skill development and intense competition prepare the camper for future athletic competition. For more information, click here.

Leadership Camps train athletes to be spiritual leaders in their personal lives, on their teams and on their campuses. These camps are geared toward student-athletes, FCA Huddle Coaches and volunteers who serve as leaders. The camps focus on teaching practical skills for Christian growth, developing as an effective leader and preparing for FCA huddle ministry. For more information, click here.

Power Camps develop young athletes in their faith and their sport. Power Camps are typically for young athletes ages 8 to 12 who want to develop their sports skills. These camps provide excellent instruction and competition through sports-specific and multi-sport focus. The camps are normally day camps that involve the local community. For more information, click here.

Partnership Camps work with other ministries and organizations in sports ministry. A Partnership Camp is a camp in which FCA develops a relationship with an existing camp to provide the spiritual program and/or the athletic aspect. This can include FCA Camp curriculum, FCA resources, speakers, Huddle meetings and staff. For more information, click here.

Team Camps equip teams with spiritual principles through competition and are designed to impact coaches and athletes for Christ through team competition. Coaches enroll their players to attend this camp as a team. Team Camps are a great outreach opportunity, and coaches benefit greatly by evaluating their team’s talent. Team Camps serve the coaches by providing a wonderful camp experience for their players while building team unity. For more information, click here.

International Camps focus on establishing all of the FCA Camp types for coaches and athletes in countries around the world. For more information, click here.

To find camps in specific areas or to inquire about volunteering at an FCA Camp, visit www.fcacamps.org.


FCA Gearing Up For 60th Camp Season

Published on February 22, 2016

Final preparations have begun at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) for its 60th year of FCA Camps. Planning to reach in upwards of 100,000, the theme for the 2016 FCA Camp season is “RISE,” based in the Bible verse Joshua 1:9.

In 2015, FCA’s Camp Ministry experienced a record-shattering year, with a total attendance of 94,505 at 619 Camps in 41 states and 36 countries around the world. Additionally, 9,978 Camp participants made salvation decisions to follow Jesus Christ, and 12,198 made recommitments to the Lord.

“For six decades, FCA Camps have been bringing life-changing impact to hundreds of thousands of coaches and athletes,” said FCA President and CEO Les Steckel. “This summer, athletes, along with coaches and their teams, will be pushed, stretched and challenged to grow in their sport and in their relationship with Jesus Christ through more than 600 camps nationwide and around the world. With a theme of ‘RISE,’ FCA Camps are life-changing and offer valuable lifelong lessons, both on and off the playing field.”

60th Year of FCA Camps In 1956, the FCA Camp Ministry was launched in Estes Park, Colo., and continues to be one of the most effective ministries of FCA.

In attendance for that first camp were FCA founder Don McClanen, along with former Pittsburgh Pirates GM Branch Rickey, who gave the keynote message that called for a bold witness for Jesus Christ and the Church, as well as others who were instrumental in the formation of FCA.

In fact, the FCA Camps key phrase, “inspiration and perspiration,” was born that week, with 256 coaches and athletes in attendance.
FCA Camps take the best attributes of an athletic-focused camp and a spiritual-focused camp and combines them into an athletic/spiritual experience like none other. FCA Camps remove athletes and coaches from the rut and routine of their sport, friends, co-workers and community and place them into an exciting, healthy, athletic environment that allows them to pursue their passion for sport and clearly see and hear Christ’s passion for them.

Said one past camper, “FCA Camp was absolutely amazing. It has made me come back wanting to make an impact on this community and go all in for the Lord. Camp made me grow in my relationship with Christ so much more and has taught me many things that I never knew about myself.”

FCA has a special web site and promotional video dedicated to the 2016 camp season highlighting the “RISE” theme, which centers on the Bible verse: “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”—Joshua 1:9 (NLT).

Over the years, different camp types have emerged as effective strategies to minister to coaches and athletes, but the successful principle established six decades ago remains the same—to create an athletic environment that produces spiritual transformation in the lives of coaches and athletes in a camp setting.

Several FCA Camps are available for coaches, student-athletes, leaders and teams, both in the U.S. and internationally:

Coaches Camps challenge coaches in their faith and family life, and allow coaches to be spiritually, relationally and professionally refreshed. Coaches Camps are for single and married coaches and their families and are designed to minister, to equip and to encourage. FCA Camps minister to coaches through Bible studies, small groups, fellowship, prayer support, discipleship and mentoring. For more information, click here.

Sports Camps focus on “Training the Total Athlete” and develop athletes mentally, physically and spiritually. Sports Camps are for athletes and coaches who want to develop their athletic skills. Outstanding instruction, skill development and intense competition prepare the camper for future athletic competition. For more information, click here.

Leadership Camps train athletes to be spiritual leaders in their personal lives, on their teams and on their campuses. These camps are geared toward student-athletes, FCA Huddle Coaches and volunteers who serve as leaders. The camps focus on teaching practical skills for Christian growth, developing as an effective leader and preparing for FCA huddle ministry. For more information, click here.

Power Camps develop young athletes in their faith and their sport. Power Camps are typically for young athletes ages 8 to 12 who want to develop their sports skills. These camps provide excellent instruction and competition through sports-specific and multi-sport focus. The camps are normally day camps that involve the local community. For more information, click here.

Partnership Camps work with other ministries and organizations in sports ministry. A Partnership Camp is a camp in which FCA develops a relationship with an existing camp to provide the spiritual program and/or the athletic aspect. This can include FCA Camp curriculum, FCA resources, speakers, Huddle meetings and staff. For more information, click here.

Team Camps equip teams with spiritual principles through competition and are designed to impact coaches and athletes for Christ through team competition. Coaches enroll their players to attend this camp as a team. Team Camps are a great outreach opportunity, and coaches benefit greatly by evaluating their team’s talent. Team Camps serve the coaches by providing a wonderful camp experience for their players while building team unity. For more information, click here.

International Camps focus on establishing all of the FCA Camp types for coaches and athletes in countries around the world. For more information, click here.

To find camps in specific areas or to inquire about volunteering at an FCA Camp, visit www.fcacamps.org.