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Rise Up

Published on April 29, 2016

Les Steckel

This story appears in FCA Magazine’s May/June 2016 issue. Subscribe today!

At the beginning of this year, I felt the Lord putting Joshua 1:9 (NLT) on my heart: “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

After a year of tumultuous social events around the world in 2015, I felt God prompting me to share the need for Christ-followers to be strong and courageous, and to rise up to bring the light of Christ to this broken world.

How fitting then that our FCA Camp theme—“RISE”—follows in that same vein and draws upon the same verse. It gives me chills to think about thousands of athletes and coaches at FCA Camps around the world this summer experiencing the same message God put upon my heart back in January. Just think, an entire generation of young men and women will be inspired to return to their homes, campuses and communities and rise up to be bold and courageous for Jesus Christ. That’s the power of God working through FCA Camps, which, now in their 60th year, have impacted millions of lives for His glory. 

And, speaking of the “RISE” theme, how about the meteoric rise to superstardom we’re witnessing with this issue’s cover man, Stephen Curry?

As a sports fan, I’m sure you’re well aware of Curry’s story by now. Declared “too small” from day one, he was basically ignored in the big-college recruiting process but ultimately found massive success at tiny Davidson College. After “dropping” to seventh in the NBA Draft (again because of his size), he’s risen to unparalleled levels of success, all the while being supremely confident in his abilities and the plan his Lord and Savior has had for his life all along. (Turn to page 8 to read Curry’s full faith story.)

Curry SubscribeI truly believe God’s hand of blessing is upon Steph. How else do you explain his journey from an undersized, undervalued prospect to being the face of the NBA? He’s worked plenty hard, no doubt about it, but he is the perfect example of how God’s timing is always perfect.

Davidson? In His plans all along. Drafted by the then-struggling Golden State Warriors? Exactly as God drew it up. Shattering records and rising to fame? All part of the script God wrote long ago.

It’s encouraging. It’s inspiring. And to see him now sharing his faith from his elevated platform? It’s the perfect example of the impact a life committed to Christ can have.

Now, before going any further, I’m well aware none of us currently has quite the same platform as Curry, but that’s the beauty of being a body of believers. We all play a role, and imagine if we all took our own unique positions to heart, being bold and courageous and taking a stand for the Lord in our daily lives. Consider the overall impact we’d make!

Just like His calling upon my life this year, I want to encourage all of you to follow God’s command from Joshua 1:9. I pray the truth of the verse becomes real in your life as you rise up in a bold and courageous way for our Lord and Savior. Let’s live the life God has called us to, asking Him each day for direction and guidance.

His direction could be completely different from that of society. But knowing and believing the truth of Jesus’ words in John 14:6 should be all the assurance we need to go against the flow and follow Him: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”


Model the Master,

Les Steckel

FCA President/CEO


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