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Lead A Health Rebellion

Published on September 01, 2016

Jimmy Page

This story appears in FCA Magazine’s September/October 2016 issue. Subscribe today!

“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”
– 1 Timothy 4:12

As a kid, I remember trying to convince my parents time after time that I should be allowed to do something because all my other friends were doing it. Their inevitable response? “If all your friends were jumping off a bridge, should we let you do that too?” My parents always said we weren’t going to be like everybody else; we’d do things differently. They assured me that—in the long run—it would be worth it.

“Rebellion” is not a word typically used to describe the Christian life, but I believe it’s exactly what we need today. What do I mean by “rebellion”? Reject the status quo. Go against the flow. Be countercultural and radically obedient to Jesus. Be an example.

Rebel against low expectations; raise the bar.

Rebel against complaining; speak life.

Rebel against shortcuts; work hard.

Rebel against compromise; do the right thing.

Rebel against poor health; get fit.

Rebel against excuses; just do it.

True obedience to Christ often looks like a rebellion against culture. His ways are not the norm. He turns most of what we do upside down. All the great leaders of God swam upstream! God wants us to live with a sense of mission, seeking Him in obedience, cultivating a passion to go against the flow of our culture.

The alternative is to just “go with the flow.” Author Sean Covey said, “If you decide to just go with the flow, you’ll end up where the flow goes, which is usually downhill, often leading to a big pile of sludge and a life of unhappiness. You’ll end up doing what everyone else is doing.”

Fitting in takes no effort. Following the crowd is easy. We instantly feel accepted and part of the group without struggle or tension. It is usually comfortable, but God calls us to be different. When we do what everybody else is doing, we’re destined for mediocrity. Going with the flow never produces greatness, only lowered standards and ambition.

Jesus expects more of us. He wants us to stand up and stand out. He wants us to be an example—not of perfection but of obedience to Him. In fact, sometimes it’s in how we handle and respond to failure that we can be the greatest example to those around us. One of the most obvious ways to be an example is in how we approach our health.

2016-0910-subscribenowMy healthiest friends don’t do what most people do. In that sense, they’re leaders of a rebellion. We have one of the unhealthiest cultures in the world, especially when you consider our access to good food and nutritional information, but these “Health Rebels” are determined to be better than average. They don’t cave in to the pressure to fit in, instead they exemplify a healthy life in the following three key areas:

1. Eat Clean: Health Rebels fuel their bodies with food that makes them feel good and perform at their best. They don’t compromise, because they realize nutrition choices have the greatest effect on their weight, energy and attitude. You really want to be rebellious? Cut out fast food entirely! People will think you’ve lost your mind!

2. Move More: Health Rebels find ways to make exercise fun and competitive and have abundant energy because of it. My personal mantra is, “I train every day.” I rarely miss a day, because I know I’ll feel better, think more clearly, and respond better to others when I’m exercising. I add competitive races to my calendar to keep me focused and goal-oriented. You really want to be rebellious? Start training for a specific race! Work out every day for two weeks, just to prove you can!

3. Think Better: Health Rebels refuse to make excuses, because excuses lead to failure. They’re also not derailed by setbacks. Instead of responding to negative self-talk, I focus on speaking words of life over my day. Thoughts always result in action, so we must pay attention to what we’re thinking. You really want to be rebellious? Have a “no excuses” week! Do 20 pushups every time you make one!

Look around. What is everyone else doing? Are they taking care of their health, or eating junk? Do they waste time and make excuses for another missed workout? Chances are good that if everybody else is doing it, you probably shouldn’t. If your life looks like everybody else’s, ask yourself, “Why?”

The cool part is that being different and choosing the healthier road can actually build your strength of character. Sure, you may take some heat when you refuse the slice of cake or prioritize a workout over watching a TV show. You may feel lonely or like a bit of an outsider, and sometimes that really stinks. But, gradually, you learn that God’s ways are always best, and before long I bet others will join you in your rebellion against poor health!

It’s time to be an example. It’s time for us to lead a health rebellion.


Start Your Health Rebellion

1. Are you going with or against the flow? In what ways does your health look like everybody else’s?

2. Why is it so hard to swim upstream? What role does peer pressure play?

3. What are some changes you could make in your life to become a Health Rebel?




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