7,414 souls are sprinting to the Kingdom of God after pledging their lives to Jesus Christ this year at FCA's Fields of Faith events.

From 519 fields across the country, over 192,000 students gathered on bleachers and ball fields to worship and hear peers share how Jesus has impacted their lives.
Prayer at the end of the evening ushered in those first time dedications, 8,612 students to recommit to Christ and 8,781 make a pact to read their Bible.
Stories of change and connection spilled through social media as attendees testified to the movement of God:
What a great night at #FOF16 (@fca_alva)

His Love is definitely in the air!! #FOF16 (@pena5)
Tonight's #FOF16 is one of the highlights of my coaching career. Better than any win I have ever had. (@GregWerner1)
So much boldness, so many testaments of God's faithfulness, so many answered prayers, so much love. #FieldsOfFaith (@averiASU)

Loved seeing kids and parents come down to the field to pray over one another! #FOF16#FCA (@bastrop_fca)
Fields of Faith is a peer-to-peer event that inspires students to refuel their faith and get back to the basics of reading God’s Word through worship and personal testimonies, sparking a spiritual movement for God.
Check out more #FOF16 impact!
To sign up for the YouVersion 21 day Bible reading plan, head to fcaresources.com.
Photos courtesy of @FCA_alva, @bastrop_fca, @averiASU, and @FCA_nwfl