Q. How does your relationship with Christ impact the way you coach?
There are two key ways. First, I look to Jesus as the “Supreme Coach.” His time with the disciples provides a model of what great coaching looks like. Christ coached with love, and this is how I approach the field and the players in my charge. Second, Christ also showed and gave us the characteristics of a great coach in the Holy Spirit. A great coach must live in the fruits of the Spirit, and by doing so, he or she models the life of Christ to players, families and the community.
Q. Do you use any FCA resources? If so, which ones?
The devotionals related to my sport are extremely important. I rely on them each year as a tool to disciple my players and take God’s wisdom into situations we face as individuals or as a team. Having a resource that combines the components of our sport with the Word of God helps me speak life into my players and teams.
Q. How has FCA helped you to engage others to know and grow in Christ?
The team in Atlanta has made the spiritual life of coaches who serve in the league part of their mission. We are provided opportunities to attend Bible studies, spiritual retreats, or to simply have a person in our corner who is always there to speak truth into our lives. In everything they do, we have the ability as coaches to see one another as brothers and sisters in Christ and as disciples growing in both faith and fellowship. My own spiritual journey would be drastically different without my time serving as an FCA baseball coach.
Q. What do you hope your legacy will be on and off the field?
I hope that my legacy on and off the field is the same. I want the players to see God in everything they do, to know Him deeper each season, and to live lives sold out for God. The numbers on the field don’t matter to me. If my players leave and choose to become coaches (disciples) of God’s Word, that to me is winning.