After the holidays may seem like an apt time to slow down, reflect on blessings and plan for the new year.
While FCA rarely slows down in its vision to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes, the 64-year-old international sports ministry is reflecting on all God has done in 2018.
This year, like always, it's all about the personal impact of coaches, athletes and leaders to Jesus through FCA. Below, coaches, campers, international leaders and student-athletes share about the adventure of following Jesus and their journey with FCA.

“If I couldn’t do [FCA] in some capacity, it would feel very debilitating, because it’s what encourages me.”
-FCA International Leader
“Oftentimes, we get caught up in competition and don’t think about how great of an opportunity we have as athletes. We have teammates we’re with every day that we can be spreading God’s love to them.” -Student-athlete
“FCA Camp made me rethink the choices I've made in my life and recommit my life to Christ. It has been the most influential thing that's ever happened to me. Unreal. Almost speechless! -Henry, FCA Camper
“[FCA] is a great way to fellowship and get to know a lot of people with different backgrounds and upbringings and stories of how they came to Christ. We’re a family.” -Student-athlete

“I don’t think there’s a more important
organization on any campus than FCA.”
FCA Camp helped me to grow in my faith. I returned home with a renewed spirit and desire to share my love of Christ with my teammates. If given the opportunity to attend another FCA sponsored camp, I would definitely go. – FCA Camper
“I praise God for the opportunity to partner with FCA in fulfilling the Lord’s work to make an eternal investment in the lives of young student athletes.” – Coach

“Praise God, I know my worth and fulfillment lie in Him and not in my athletic performance.”