FCA International started in 2007 with five camps and 760 competitors. Over 12 years, God has breathed onto the international movement. Our vision at FCA is to reach every coach, athlete, team and community in every country! The Gospel is spreading throughout the world and bearing fruit!

FCA International is playing a huge role in fulfilling the vision! Together, we've rallied around the Great Commission. Disciples are making disciples and transformation is happening! Last year we saw over 2,900 campers and 3,900 Huddle attendees make faith decisions for Jesus!
God is on the Move!
To date, FCA hosts 304 Camps and 1,775 Huddles reaching over 30,000 coaches and athletes around the world. We’ve hosted 103 3D Coaching workshops with more than 3,300 coaches in attendance.
“FCA went international because we wanted to fulfill our vision which says, ‘To see the world.’ For over 50 years, we were only ministering in the U.S., which is 4% of the world’s population. We made a strategic decision to expand outside the U.S. borders through partnerships with local, established ministries that were committed to reaching coaches and athletes in their countries. It has been catalytic growth because of the strong alignment to the U.S. regions.” -Dan Britton, Executive Director of Field Ministry, International

"Today, FCA is an international ministry with 242 leaders serving in 84 countries. To strengthen our team, we’ve aligned our 14 U.S. Regions with our 14 Global Regions so we can better serve through praying, giving and going. “The Lord is calling more leaders from around the world to serve coaches and athletes. FCA is positioned to equip and encourage many of these leaders to maximize their vision.” - Silas Mullis, International Director of Field Advancement