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FCA Resources

Published on May 29, 2019


In 1978, FCA began distributing copies of the Bible to those attending FCA Camp. Every year since then, we’ve put Bibles into the hands of tens of thousands of campers. More than 70,000 were distributed during the last Camp season alone. At FCA, we produce resources to engage, equip and empower disciples. As we rally around the Word of God, we see lives changed and movements multiplied.



Each year, we release new Bibles for FCA Camp that feature daily curriculum, devotions and studies to support the Camp theme. All Camp Bibles include full Bible text, featuring the Old and New Testament. To see all of FCA’s Camp Bibles, visit fcagear.com.


athleteLet’s Go Athlete’s Bible

A fantastic tool designed for athletes to study God’s Word. This Bible includes the

Serendipity Student Bible and Let’s Go Daily Meetings. (NLT version)

Size: Roughly 7” x 10”

teamLet’s Go Team Bible

Specifically designed to equip, encourage and empower teams to study God’s Word

together. This Bible includes Team Bible Study material including studies focused on

common issues teams face, an excerpt from The Starting Line, How To Share Your

Testimony, and the More Than Winning Gospel presentation. (NLT version)

Size: 5 5/16” x 7 11/16” (compact)


powerLet’s Go Power Bible

Created for young athletes ages 8-12 to study God’s Word. This Bible includes both the New and Old Testaments and includes Power Camp curriculum such as daily meetings, camp devotionals, and the More Than Winning Gospel presentation. (NLT version)

Size: 5 5/16” x 7 11/16” (compact)



To see all of FCA’s gear, visit fcagear.com

Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 1.13.51 PMBased on the “Let’s Go” Camp theme, watch and share this video with your community! Visit fcagear.com to explore our apparel, books, Bibles, resources, gifts and more.

Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 1.18.33 PM


FCA Camps Website:

FCA 2019 Hype Video:




DIGITAL Free resources are available at fcaresources.com and partnering websites.

YouVersion: 3D Coach Devotional

3d-devoIf you are a coach at any level, the 3D Coach Devotional is a 5-day reading plan that will help you capture the hearts of your athletes. Becoming a 3Dimensional Coach (body, mind, spirit) will move you from being a transactional coach to a transformational coach.



FCA Resources

Published on May 29, 2019


In 1978, FCA began distributing copies of the Bible to those attending FCA Camp. Every year since then, we’ve put Bibles into the hands of tens of thousands of campers. More than 70,000 were distributed during the last Camp season alone. At FCA, we produce resources to engage, equip and empower disciples. As we rally around the Word of God, we see lives changed and movements multiplied.



Each year, we release new Bibles for FCA Camp that feature daily curriculum, devotions and studies to support the Camp theme. All Camp Bibles include full Bible text, featuring the Old and New Testament. To see all of FCA’s Camp Bibles, visit fcagear.com.


athleteLet’s Go Athlete’s Bible

A fantastic tool designed for athletes to study God’s Word. This Bible includes the

Serendipity Student Bible and Let’s Go Daily Meetings. (NLT version)

Size: Roughly 7” x 10”

teamLet’s Go Team Bible

Specifically designed to equip, encourage and empower teams to study God’s Word

together. This Bible includes Team Bible Study material including studies focused on

common issues teams face, an excerpt from The Starting Line, How To Share Your

Testimony, and the More Than Winning Gospel presentation. (NLT version)

Size: 5 5/16” x 7 11/16” (compact)


powerLet’s Go Power Bible

Created for young athletes ages 8-12 to study God’s Word. This Bible includes both the New and Old Testaments and includes Power Camp curriculum such as daily meetings, camp devotionals, and the More Than Winning Gospel presentation. (NLT version)

Size: 5 5/16” x 7 11/16” (compact)



To see all of FCA’s gear, visit fcagear.com

Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 1.13.51 PMBased on the “Let’s Go” Camp theme, watch and share this video with your community! Visit fcagear.com to explore our apparel, books, Bibles, resources, gifts and more.

Screen Shot 2019-02-22 at 1.18.33 PM


FCA Camps Website:

FCA 2019 Hype Video:




DIGITAL Free resources are available at fcaresources.com and partnering websites.

YouVersion: 3D Coach Devotional

3d-devoIf you are a coach at any level, the 3D Coach Devotional is a 5-day reading plan that will help you capture the hearts of your athletes. Becoming a 3Dimensional Coach (body, mind, spirit) will move you from being a transactional coach to a transformational coach.