The times keep changing, and standards of living continue to shift.
We’re told how to compete and new rhythms to adhere to, and our own self-assessment can often fluctuate as the unexpected hits and our normal daily routines change. We find ourselves in the middle of cancelled seasons and no opportunities to compete.
We’re natural competitors; what do we do when we have nothing to outwardly show for our efforts?
We must pay attention to what keeps us in the competitive mindset while also recognizing healthy ways of fueling our minds and spirits in this season of uncertainty. Our coaches may keep in contact, giving us plenty of home workouts to stay in shape. Our teammates may still want to strategize for when the team can come together again or talk through uncertain times. Our parents have standards of how we will act and the chores we’ll do while keeping up on studies and athletic training.
There are still plenty of places and people we look towards to see how we measure up, but where should we really be focusing our attention? Or, more to the point, who should we be focusing on?
Ultimately our allegiance is Jesus Christ. He is the true standard, and no one or nothing else compares. We cast our eyes on Him, how He lived His life and how He asks us to do the same. We look to Him to help us see God’s standard for our lives, and His love for us is motivation enough to seek Him alone. Even when we are struggling to navigate these stagnant athletic waters, we can devote our time to knowing Him better, assessing how He sees our lives, and dedicating our sports and life mindsets to performing for His glory.
When circumstances change and we’re smack in the middle of the unexpected, we can be driven to doubt, grasp for control, and shift our focus on what we don’t have. What are we laying as our foundation? Externals that are out of our control or an illusion of what would make us feel good?
There has to be a better way to live our lives in the uncertainty, and God nudges us in this new direction.

Want to know more of who Jesus is?
Learn why He is worth pursuing through The FOUR gospel introduction!We can set our faith on the sure foundation is the assurance of Christ through His life, death, and resurrection. This is our drive:God nudges us in this new direction.
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. - Colossians 3:23
Whatever we do, we do it for our Lord.
Let’s train ourselves to stay focused on the One true standard: How?
Ground yourself in God’s Word
Nothing anchors us better than being in the presence of God through the Bible. It is our source for every situation, and God promises to lead us in His truth if we open our hearts to hear what He wants to say to us.
Find a mentor who will keep pointing you to Jesus
Life’s better together. Having someone to walk with through the highs and lows of life helps us keep perspective and saturate our days centered on God.

Ask God to reveal His truth about your identity in Him
Everything we do and everything we are is rooted in God our Father and who He says we are. If you aren’t sure how this plays into your own life, take time and ask Him. Seek His voice and look through scripture to stand on His promises to you, as a son or daughter through Christ.
Instead of being crippled by the unattainable expectations we or others place on ourselves, we can let go and live in the freedom Christ came to give through the cross. He gave 100% through His life, death, and resurrection, and we stand on grace alone, not on anything we have done. In thanks, we can give 100% of our heart to God as we train, coach, and perform in our sport.
There may be many ways we place weight on ourselves that drive us towards success, but there is only one measure of standard that is 100% failure-proof: God’s glory in Jesus Christ.
This is the standard we set our sights on and engage all our efforts. Giving our best to the mission of God’s glory frees us from worry and a crushing burden of wondering if we are getting it right and allows us to play with joy. Focus on this and everything else will fall into place.
Consider: Which standards have you been looking to that have let you down?
Take Action: Reset your sights on Jesus and His ultimate standard of sacrifice. How can you share this freedom with your teammates?