Lindsay Grant: Volleyball * Weiser, Idaho
Q: How has FCA helped you to know and grow in Christ?
I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home and accepted Christ at a young age. It wasn’t until high school that I truly understood what a personal relationship with Christ meant. In college, I got invited to an FCA event and absolutely loved everything about it and what FCA stood for. Attending Huddles regularly and eventually becoming a leader helped me know Christ and find my identity in Him, not just as a Christian, but as a Christian athlete—and now a coach!
Q: How has FCA helped you to engage others?
Over the past three years, I’ve co-led our town’s middle school Huddle, and it’s allowed me to share about Christ and my faith. This has carried over into coaching because I’ve become a coach to many of the girls who’ve attended the middle school FCA Huddle over the years. This has opened up many conversations and opportunities for me to share Christ and pray with my players.
Q: Do you use any FCA resources?
I use the FCA Bible, videos, devotionals and icebreakers on They’ve been extremely helpful to our Huddle leaders as they plan lessons for our FCA meetings.
Q: How does your relationship with Christ impact the way you coach?
I believe God uses me as a high school coach to glorify and honor Him by having a positive impact on the girls I get to coach. It isn’t about winning and losing; it’s about glorifying Christ with the gift, abilities and knowledge He gives us.
Q: What is God teaching you right now?
Humility and the fact I am nothing without God. I must rely on and trust Him with my life. He is teaching me this through parenting and coaching. I am learning to give Him control of things I can’t control.