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The Great Call To Share Your Faith

Published on September 24, 2020

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”
I said, “Here I am. Send me.”   
 - Isaiah 6:8 NLT

It’s a very bold and daring invitation: step out of our comfort zone and share the most important message anyone could ever hear.

How much the God who created the universe loves us. How we’ve fallen short and created a gap between us and God. How Jesus’ death, resurrection, and restoration of this world and the hearts of man has shaped us for eternity. What He means to us at a personal level, how we trust Him with everything and live for Him.

Do you find it easy to face your friends, coworkers, teammates, parents, and staff, and tell about the wondrous work of Jesus? Or does it fill you with discomfort?

We have no problem talking about the new zone defense we’re learning or the standings of our favorite sports team, but when it comes to sharing our faith, we often freeze. Why?

We try to reason it away, make excuses and push it off on others more qualified or in the right position to speak. Isn’t that what preachers are for? Or Christian leaders? Who am I to speak? I don’t have a lot of influence—it can’t possibly mean me.

It can and it does!

Again He said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you.”  -John 20:21 NLT

A64A3548What motivates us moves us to think, act and speak into a world that’s desperate for hope and something to believe in. When Jesus is our motivator, there’s nothing that should stand in our way to share how our lives have been gloriously changed.

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”   -Matthew 28:18-20 NLT

This is the Great Commission, Jesus’ last personal instructions before he left earth to return to heaven.

It’s a special calling for a special action to those He left to live out His example—step out in faith and share the Good News of the risen Savior!


thefourClick The Four to learn how to share the Gospel in a clear and simple way


You might think being “called” sounds demanding and strict. But think of it as an invitation—God is inviting you into the great work He longs to do in the lives of those who do not know Him yet. He’s giving us something to do for His kingdom.

But disciples were back in Jesus’ day, you say. That can’t possibly relate to me right now.

A disciple is simply a follower of a teacher or leader. As Christians, we follow Jesus, His ways and how He lived his life while on earth. And because we believe, we are compelled to share why we live the way we do.

Let God move and work through you. Do not be afraid. It’s embedded in you to speak.

Look around. There are people all over who need to hear about the saving grace of Jesus. Your teammate struggling with depression. The student in the corner of the classroom who barely says a word. The team manager who is there every practice and game, giving hours, longing to be a part of something. Coaches who crave a new way of living.

God has intentionally placed you where you are. You are His voice. You are the messenger of hope to hurting hearts.

Look to God and let His love through Christ override any hesitations.

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.   -Romans 1:16 NLT

It’s game time. God is asking who will go for Him. Jesus paid the price—we simply point people to the One who came to save and give the free gift of salvation.

GO. Take action. Tell.


Want to read more about sharing your faith? Check out these other FCA articles:

Four Fears That Keep You from Sharing Your Faith
What are the fears that keep us from sharing our faith and how we can hold to God's truth about it? Read more.

Be Yourself and Other Ways To Share Your Faith
Want to take the pressure off sharing your faith? Gain some helpful tips that keep the conversation going. Read now.



The Great Call To Share Your Faith

Published on September 24, 2020

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”
I said, “Here I am. Send me.”   
 - Isaiah 6:8 NLT

It’s a very bold and daring invitation: step out of our comfort zone and share the most important message anyone could ever hear.

How much the God who created the universe loves us. How we’ve fallen short and created a gap between us and God. How Jesus’ death, resurrection, and restoration of this world and the hearts of man has shaped us for eternity. What He means to us at a personal level, how we trust Him with everything and live for Him.

Do you find it easy to face your friends, coworkers, teammates, parents, and staff, and tell about the wondrous work of Jesus? Or does it fill you with discomfort?

We have no problem talking about the new zone defense we’re learning or the standings of our favorite sports team, but when it comes to sharing our faith, we often freeze. Why?

We try to reason it away, make excuses and push it off on others more qualified or in the right position to speak. Isn’t that what preachers are for? Or Christian leaders? Who am I to speak? I don’t have a lot of influence—it can’t possibly mean me.

It can and it does!

Again He said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you.”  -John 20:21 NLT

A64A3548What motivates us moves us to think, act and speak into a world that’s desperate for hope and something to believe in. When Jesus is our motivator, there’s nothing that should stand in our way to share how our lives have been gloriously changed.

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”   -Matthew 28:18-20 NLT

This is the Great Commission, Jesus’ last personal instructions before he left earth to return to heaven.

It’s a special calling for a special action to those He left to live out His example—step out in faith and share the Good News of the risen Savior!


thefourClick The Four to learn how to share the Gospel in a clear and simple way


You might think being “called” sounds demanding and strict. But think of it as an invitation—God is inviting you into the great work He longs to do in the lives of those who do not know Him yet. He’s giving us something to do for His kingdom.

But disciples were back in Jesus’ day, you say. That can’t possibly relate to me right now.

A disciple is simply a follower of a teacher or leader. As Christians, we follow Jesus, His ways and how He lived his life while on earth. And because we believe, we are compelled to share why we live the way we do.

Let God move and work through you. Do not be afraid. It’s embedded in you to speak.

Look around. There are people all over who need to hear about the saving grace of Jesus. Your teammate struggling with depression. The student in the corner of the classroom who barely says a word. The team manager who is there every practice and game, giving hours, longing to be a part of something. Coaches who crave a new way of living.

God has intentionally placed you where you are. You are His voice. You are the messenger of hope to hurting hearts.

Look to God and let His love through Christ override any hesitations.

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.   -Romans 1:16 NLT

It’s game time. God is asking who will go for Him. Jesus paid the price—we simply point people to the One who came to save and give the free gift of salvation.

GO. Take action. Tell.


Want to read more about sharing your faith? Check out these other FCA articles:

Four Fears That Keep You from Sharing Your Faith
What are the fears that keep us from sharing our faith and how we can hold to God's truth about it? Read more.

Be Yourself and Other Ways To Share Your Faith
Want to take the pressure off sharing your faith? Gain some helpful tips that keep the conversation going. Read now.