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Confidence: Standing Firm

Published on July 12, 2021

Claire Britton

On the best teams, success comes from players working together as one unit for a common goal. They know their roles, give 100% each game and support each other. They pick each other up, encourage one another and believe the best in who they are as a team. What makes them great is their willingness to push each other on because they believe in the end goal.

As Christ followers, it is vital to surround ourselves with others who pursue God daily and push us to follow God in strength. When we choose the right players to be on our spiritual team, we do not have to walk out our faith alone. We pursue teammates who place their confidence in Christ.

FCA_Confident_1800x1800Life can be hard, and sometimes it can feel like challenge after challenge comes rolling towards us. When times get tough, those who find their identity and confidence in God can stand firm and secure because they know that God is their rock. We can look at those who have come before us for an example of what it looks like to live confidently in Jesus.

Peter, one of the twelve disciples on Jesus’s team, was a fisherman by trade and was tossing his nets into the water when Jesus called him to get up and follow Him. The Bible tells us that “at once” (Matthew 4:20) Peter stopped fishing, left his net and followed Jesus. Peter was devoted to following Him from the very beginning. He wasn’t perfect, but he found his worth, identity and confidence in Jesus.

Peter followed Jesus with his entire life. He consistently asked questions and openly declared that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. He lived and led others in confidence because he was actively pursuing Jesus with strength. No longer was Peter just a fisherman, but Jesus had made him a fisher of men!

A teammate whose confidence is in Christ will push you to grow in your faith and remind you of your worth. Not only was Peter a follower of God, but he also lived life on mission. He was passionate about encouraging others to place their faith in Jesus and join God’s team. As Peter learned from Jesus, he began to live with bold confidence because he knew his identity was found in God alone.

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord

    and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.”  (Jeremiah 17:7)


Paying attention to who we choose to be our spiritual teammates is important when it comes to living out our faith. Having teammates who find their confidence in Christ sharpens us and makes us better, and they help point us to God and stand strong on His promises together.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”  (Proverbs 27:17)


Social TextWho you spend your time with matters, and who you choose to be on your team matters in your walk with God. A dependable teammate who finds their identity and confidence in Christ knows their value and lives the way God intended them to. A teammate whose confidence is in Christ will push you to grow in your faith and remind you of your worth. When you experience a challenging season in life, or as an athlete, a strong teammate and friend will come alongside you. They might pray with you, listen to what’s in your heart and then point you to the truth that God gives. Their confidence in Christ will inspire confidence in you as they remind you of who God made you to be.

As you begin to determine the right teammates for your spiritual team, seek God first. Spend time in prayer and ask God to give you teammates who love Him and will help you stand firm on God’s promises throughout your life.

Finding solid teammates to build you up and encourage you means becoming one too. Open God’s Word daily, read about Peter’s life, and the way the twelve disciples followed Jesus and found their value in Him alone. Then apply how they lived to your own life. Be that sort of person for someone else, and bolster their faith to walk in Christ. When you embrace your identity as God’s son or daughter, you live out your faith with bold confidence!



This quarter, we’re exploring what it means to Pursue Team. This month, our focus is on how to Evaluate the Team. Join us as we journey through this exploration and prepare to Draft the Team next month.

One way to actively Pursue Team is through joining an FCA Huddle. The Huddle is one of FCA’s greatest teams. It is an important resource to help coaches and athletes grow in the essentials of their faith and become fully devoted followers of Christ. As a coach or athlete connects to an FCA Huddle, they will surround themselves with teammates who point to Jesus. Bring a friend and find a Huddle near you!

Want to learn more about pursuing team and surrounding yourself with the right spiritual teammates? Head to FCA in Action and read our July Pursue articles:


Anchor Article: Take Assessment: Evaluate The Team



*If you read this article and aren’t in relationship with Christ yet but would like to know more, we invite you to go through FCA’s The FOUR that explains how an everlasting and fulfilling life with God is possible. 



About The Author:

Claire grew up in FCA doing Surf camps with her family for 15 years in New Jersey. She graduated from Liberty University in 2020 and now lives in Kansas City with her husband Eli. Claire works in the Ministry Advancement Department at FCA's Support Center.





Photos courtesy of Unsplash

Confidence: Standing Firm

Published on July 12, 2021

Claire Britton

On the best teams, success comes from players working together as one unit for a common goal. They know their roles, give 100% each game and support each other. They pick each other up, encourage one another and believe the best in who they are as a team. What makes them great is their willingness to push each other on because they believe in the end goal.

As Christ followers, it is vital to surround ourselves with others who pursue God daily and push us to follow God in strength. When we choose the right players to be on our spiritual team, we do not have to walk out our faith alone. We pursue teammates who place their confidence in Christ.

FCA_Confident_1800x1800Life can be hard, and sometimes it can feel like challenge after challenge comes rolling towards us. When times get tough, those who find their identity and confidence in God can stand firm and secure because they know that God is their rock. We can look at those who have come before us for an example of what it looks like to live confidently in Jesus.

Peter, one of the twelve disciples on Jesus’s team, was a fisherman by trade and was tossing his nets into the water when Jesus called him to get up and follow Him. The Bible tells us that “at once” (Matthew 4:20) Peter stopped fishing, left his net and followed Jesus. Peter was devoted to following Him from the very beginning. He wasn’t perfect, but he found his worth, identity and confidence in Jesus.

Peter followed Jesus with his entire life. He consistently asked questions and openly declared that Jesus was the Son of the Living God. He lived and led others in confidence because he was actively pursuing Jesus with strength. No longer was Peter just a fisherman, but Jesus had made him a fisher of men!

A teammate whose confidence is in Christ will push you to grow in your faith and remind you of your worth. Not only was Peter a follower of God, but he also lived life on mission. He was passionate about encouraging others to place their faith in Jesus and join God’s team. As Peter learned from Jesus, he began to live with bold confidence because he knew his identity was found in God alone.

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord

    and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.”  (Jeremiah 17:7)


Paying attention to who we choose to be our spiritual teammates is important when it comes to living out our faith. Having teammates who find their confidence in Christ sharpens us and makes us better, and they help point us to God and stand strong on His promises together.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”  (Proverbs 27:17)


Social TextWho you spend your time with matters, and who you choose to be on your team matters in your walk with God. A dependable teammate who finds their identity and confidence in Christ knows their value and lives the way God intended them to. A teammate whose confidence is in Christ will push you to grow in your faith and remind you of your worth. When you experience a challenging season in life, or as an athlete, a strong teammate and friend will come alongside you. They might pray with you, listen to what’s in your heart and then point you to the truth that God gives. Their confidence in Christ will inspire confidence in you as they remind you of who God made you to be.

As you begin to determine the right teammates for your spiritual team, seek God first. Spend time in prayer and ask God to give you teammates who love Him and will help you stand firm on God’s promises throughout your life.

Finding solid teammates to build you up and encourage you means becoming one too. Open God’s Word daily, read about Peter’s life, and the way the twelve disciples followed Jesus and found their value in Him alone. Then apply how they lived to your own life. Be that sort of person for someone else, and bolster their faith to walk in Christ. When you embrace your identity as God’s son or daughter, you live out your faith with bold confidence!



This quarter, we’re exploring what it means to Pursue Team. This month, our focus is on how to Evaluate the Team. Join us as we journey through this exploration and prepare to Draft the Team next month.

One way to actively Pursue Team is through joining an FCA Huddle. The Huddle is one of FCA’s greatest teams. It is an important resource to help coaches and athletes grow in the essentials of their faith and become fully devoted followers of Christ. As a coach or athlete connects to an FCA Huddle, they will surround themselves with teammates who point to Jesus. Bring a friend and find a Huddle near you!

Want to learn more about pursuing team and surrounding yourself with the right spiritual teammates? Head to FCA in Action and read our July Pursue articles:


Anchor Article: Take Assessment: Evaluate The Team



*If you read this article and aren’t in relationship with Christ yet but would like to know more, we invite you to go through FCA’s The FOUR that explains how an everlasting and fulfilling life with God is possible. 



About The Author:

Claire grew up in FCA doing Surf camps with her family for 15 years in New Jersey. She graduated from Liberty University in 2020 and now lives in Kansas City with her husband Eli. Claire works in the Ministry Advancement Department at FCA's Support Center.





Photos courtesy of Unsplash