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In My Voice Week Four: FCA Camp Impact

Published on July 23, 2021


Want to get an up-close look at the impact of FCA Camp? Throughout the summer, we’ll be sharing stories and testimonials from campers, Huddle leaders, staff, volunteers and coaches about their time at camp and how God showed up throughout their week.



Kate Reimann

Camp: Black Hills Sports Camp (Spearfish, S.D.)
Huddle Leader – Junior, Augustana University

“I just need to be satisfied in Him.”


How did your faith journey start?

My sophomore year in high school after I got confirmed in the Catholic church, I went south to visit family and they gave me a Bible. It was the first time I saw someone read a Bible during the week. I liked it and wanted that too. I got to know Jesus and He transformed me.

How did you hear about camp?

[Augustana University Area Rep] Lindsay’s my Huddle leader on campus and she asked if I wanted to help. I prayed about it and stepped out. I didn’t know a ton of people, but the ride over helped with that. It’s out of my comfort zone a bit because part of my testimony is my social anxiety and being with people as an introvert. God's helped and my anxiety is way down knowing I don’t have to please anyone and God is pleased with me.

Why did you want to be a Huddle leader?

This is my first time as a Huddle leader. I went to a different camp in high school and remember learning from my group leader and how it impacted me, and I wanted to be the same for these girls.




Lindsay Icenogle
Lindsay Icenogle

Camp: Black Hills Sports Camp (Spearfish, S.D.)
FCA Grand Junction Area Rep/FCA Soccer Coach – Grand Junction, Colo.

“FCA is hard, but to see it lived out—that’s what it’s about.”


How has the week been?

Pretty exhausting! But pretty amazing. It’s amazing to see FCA exemplified. Coaches are scrimmaging with players, players are praying for coaches; it’s hard to describe. of the kids get it, coaches get it. Here, coaches compare defense with forgiveness and focusing on others. It’s great.

How did you get involved?

I’m on staff in [Western Colorado Multi-Area Director] Tina Snover’s area. She and I coach an FCA soccer team together and she’s been asking me to come on staff for years. I’m a teacher, and this past year, I finally felt it was time, so I came on staff in October. This is my first camp. Ministry is so fulfilling. It’s life changing for these kids. My prayer from here on out is for these kids to know that doing “Christian” at camp is easy; going back to their schools to “be the one” who stand for Jesus is going to be hard.

What are you going to take away from camp?

I want to be praying for the kids to be the ones who start praying for their team, who start to make a change.



Read other testimonials from FCA Camp participants:

In My Voice: FCA Camp Impact

In My Voice Week Two: FCA Camp Impact

In My Voice Week Three: FCA Camp Impact


In My Voice Week Four: FCA Camp Impact

Published on July 23, 2021


Want to get an up-close look at the impact of FCA Camp? Throughout the summer, we’ll be sharing stories and testimonials from campers, Huddle leaders, staff, volunteers and coaches about their time at camp and how God showed up throughout their week.



Kate Reimann

Camp: Black Hills Sports Camp (Spearfish, S.D.)
Huddle Leader – Junior, Augustana University

“I just need to be satisfied in Him.”


How did your faith journey start?

My sophomore year in high school after I got confirmed in the Catholic church, I went south to visit family and they gave me a Bible. It was the first time I saw someone read a Bible during the week. I liked it and wanted that too. I got to know Jesus and He transformed me.

How did you hear about camp?

[Augustana University Area Rep] Lindsay’s my Huddle leader on campus and she asked if I wanted to help. I prayed about it and stepped out. I didn’t know a ton of people, but the ride over helped with that. It’s out of my comfort zone a bit because part of my testimony is my social anxiety and being with people as an introvert. God's helped and my anxiety is way down knowing I don’t have to please anyone and God is pleased with me.

Why did you want to be a Huddle leader?

This is my first time as a Huddle leader. I went to a different camp in high school and remember learning from my group leader and how it impacted me, and I wanted to be the same for these girls.




Lindsay Icenogle
Lindsay Icenogle

Camp: Black Hills Sports Camp (Spearfish, S.D.)
FCA Grand Junction Area Rep/FCA Soccer Coach – Grand Junction, Colo.

“FCA is hard, but to see it lived out—that’s what it’s about.”


How has the week been?

Pretty exhausting! But pretty amazing. It’s amazing to see FCA exemplified. Coaches are scrimmaging with players, players are praying for coaches; it’s hard to describe. of the kids get it, coaches get it. Here, coaches compare defense with forgiveness and focusing on others. It’s great.

How did you get involved?

I’m on staff in [Western Colorado Multi-Area Director] Tina Snover’s area. She and I coach an FCA soccer team together and she’s been asking me to come on staff for years. I’m a teacher, and this past year, I finally felt it was time, so I came on staff in October. This is my first camp. Ministry is so fulfilling. It’s life changing for these kids. My prayer from here on out is for these kids to know that doing “Christian” at camp is easy; going back to their schools to “be the one” who stand for Jesus is going to be hard.

What are you going to take away from camp?

I want to be praying for the kids to be the ones who start praying for their team, who start to make a change.



Read other testimonials from FCA Camp participants:

In My Voice: FCA Camp Impact

In My Voice Week Two: FCA Camp Impact

In My Voice Week Three: FCA Camp Impact