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A Daily Impact

Published on September 14, 2021

Sarah Freymuth

It lives up to its name: Daily Impact Play. Our encouragement from God’s Word as we set up for the day. Delivered in our inbox, these competitor’s heart and soul devotions meet us in the morning and train us up in the way we should go as we pray to become more like Jesus Christ.

We take them to our quiet times, our school Huddles, coaches’ meetings and to our teams. We receive encouragement, conviction and a closer encounter with God, and we store up treasures in heaven that we spread on earth as we share these devotions with friends, family, our social media channels and anywhere else within our influence.


What is Daily Impact Play?

Personal and biblically based devotions that are sent out each day via email to over 36,000 subscribers and social media outlets. Set with a sports-themed layout (Ready, Set, Go, Workout, Overtime), these devotions are for coaches, athletes, staff, donors and volunteers to encourage them in their daily spiritual walk.

Screenshot (3)FCA’s Daily Impact Play is one of the easiest resources to give you what you need to invest in both your own personal walk with Christ and to share with others. It’s spiritual training for coaches and athletes of all levels delivered daily to your inbox.

They are important because they give us glimpses of God’s light in our day. And if the past year and a half has been any indication, we’re in great need of His truth and comfort. In the last 12 months, Daily Impact Play has seen a 31% growth in subscriptions via email, and numbers continue to climb.


What makes Daily Impact Plays so, well, impactful?

Maybe it’s the setup of the devo, starting with Scripture and ending with prayer. Maybe it’s the way they’re targeted for the competitive mindset and meet coaches and athletes in season and out.

Or maybe it’s simply the way God works.

Sarah Roberts, FCA Area Director in Atlanta, has been writing Daily Impact Play devotions for years, and each time she receives an email from a reader, the message is the same: it’s what they needed to hear in that moment. “What I love is telling them I had no way of knowing they needed it, but God did,” she said. “We serve a personal God who loves to get personal with our coaches and athletes through the words given to our staff for the Daily Impact Play.” 

SignFCA Central Maine College Representative Mark Long, also a longtime devotion writer, receives emails from readers who resonate with his message that day and take a few minutes to reach out in encouragement:

“Loved your published devo in the FCA Daily Impact Play this morning, Mark. Can't wait to share this message with others that need to hear it.”

 “I love reading FCA devotionals that you write… I just wanted to say thank you.”

“Thank you for sharing your devotion. The tongue is very powerful. I'm always telling my athletes to use their tongues to encourage and never put down. Much appreciation for what you do.” 


It’s always great to get feedback, but sometimes the process of creation is a blessing itself. “I’m incredibly thankful to get the opportunities to write devotions,” said Long. “It’s a unique chance to challenge and, even more so, encourage people in their walks with Christ. And it gives me the chance to write about our God to coaches and athletes.”

Delivered straight to your inbox, a daily dose of God’s Word from brothers and sisters who walk the spiritual road of sports may be just what you need to nourish your faith. You never know what God has in store for you.

Sign up today!



Earlier this year, FCA ran a series of Monday Motivation videos on social media, highlighting that week’s devo author sharing God’s truth on video. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be showcasing some of our top devos to give you a glimpse of content that makes our Daily Impact Play devotions a great resource for both personal and team spiritual growth.


A Daily Impact

Published on September 14, 2021

Sarah Freymuth

It lives up to its name: Daily Impact Play. Our encouragement from God’s Word as we set up for the day. Delivered in our inbox, these competitor’s heart and soul devotions meet us in the morning and train us up in the way we should go as we pray to become more like Jesus Christ.

We take them to our quiet times, our school Huddles, coaches’ meetings and to our teams. We receive encouragement, conviction and a closer encounter with God, and we store up treasures in heaven that we spread on earth as we share these devotions with friends, family, our social media channels and anywhere else within our influence.


What is Daily Impact Play?

Personal and biblically based devotions that are sent out each day via email to over 36,000 subscribers and social media outlets. Set with a sports-themed layout (Ready, Set, Go, Workout, Overtime), these devotions are for coaches, athletes, staff, donors and volunteers to encourage them in their daily spiritual walk.

Screenshot (3)FCA’s Daily Impact Play is one of the easiest resources to give you what you need to invest in both your own personal walk with Christ and to share with others. It’s spiritual training for coaches and athletes of all levels delivered daily to your inbox.

They are important because they give us glimpses of God’s light in our day. And if the past year and a half has been any indication, we’re in great need of His truth and comfort. In the last 12 months, Daily Impact Play has seen a 31% growth in subscriptions via email, and numbers continue to climb.


What makes Daily Impact Plays so, well, impactful?

Maybe it’s the setup of the devo, starting with Scripture and ending with prayer. Maybe it’s the way they’re targeted for the competitive mindset and meet coaches and athletes in season and out.

Or maybe it’s simply the way God works.

Sarah Roberts, FCA Area Director in Atlanta, has been writing Daily Impact Play devotions for years, and each time she receives an email from a reader, the message is the same: it’s what they needed to hear in that moment. “What I love is telling them I had no way of knowing they needed it, but God did,” she said. “We serve a personal God who loves to get personal with our coaches and athletes through the words given to our staff for the Daily Impact Play.” 

SignFCA Central Maine College Representative Mark Long, also a longtime devotion writer, receives emails from readers who resonate with his message that day and take a few minutes to reach out in encouragement:

“Loved your published devo in the FCA Daily Impact Play this morning, Mark. Can't wait to share this message with others that need to hear it.”

 “I love reading FCA devotionals that you write… I just wanted to say thank you.”

“Thank you for sharing your devotion. The tongue is very powerful. I'm always telling my athletes to use their tongues to encourage and never put down. Much appreciation for what you do.” 


It’s always great to get feedback, but sometimes the process of creation is a blessing itself. “I’m incredibly thankful to get the opportunities to write devotions,” said Long. “It’s a unique chance to challenge and, even more so, encourage people in their walks with Christ. And it gives me the chance to write about our God to coaches and athletes.”

Delivered straight to your inbox, a daily dose of God’s Word from brothers and sisters who walk the spiritual road of sports may be just what you need to nourish your faith. You never know what God has in store for you.

Sign up today!



Earlier this year, FCA ran a series of Monday Motivation videos on social media, highlighting that week’s devo author sharing God’s truth on video. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be showcasing some of our top devos to give you a glimpse of content that makes our Daily Impact Play devotions a great resource for both personal and team spiritual growth.