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Pursuing the Mission

Published on May 20, 2022


This article appears in the Spring 2022 edition of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.


In 2017, FCA refined its mission to provide a clearer, more concise statement:

“To lead every coach and athlete into a
growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.”

For the past several years, we have focused on creating actionable steps and resources to help staff pursue the mission to lead coaches and athletes, seeing effective ministry go “to and through” coaches, athletes and volunteers.

Today, the FCA Mission continues to drive our team. How do we share that the Gospel is for everyone through Christ? How do we invite coaches and athletes into spiritual journeys? How do we practically make disciples who make disciples?


Our mission puts our focus on every coach and athlete. And every means every. What do we mean by every? It’s about both our message and our reach.

IMG_3479 (2)Our message is clear: The Gospel is for everyone. Everyone can be saved through Christ. When coaches and athletes attend FCA, this is the first thing we hope they hear.

We also want to reach every coach and athlete. In every community. Every city. Every country and province. Every race. Every nationality. Every continent. Every man. Every woman. Every sport. Every ability. On campus. Off campus. Every space. Every place.

Pursuing our mission has led us to see coaches and athletes who are often overlooked and underserved. FCA is not only for those sliding into third base or kicking a game-winning goal. It’s for those riding surf boards and shooting bows, those revving motorbike engines and racing down the court in a game of wheelchair basketball.

It’s not only for those who can afford to compete in elite, traveling clubs, but for those playing a pick-up game of basketball between the street light poles. It’s for those in open and closed countries, those who get recruited to college teams and go pro, and for those who don’t. 

Coaches and athletes compete all around the world, and as a global ministry, we’re dedicated to every one of them with the Gospel of Christ.


What exactly is a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church? It can be found in a disciple-making disciple.

daniel leeWhen we connect with a coach, athlete or volunteer, we want them to be in an active, maturing relationship with Jesus. Whether it’s through The FOUR or another Gospel presentation, they’ve heard the message of salvation through the work of Jesus on the cross, and they’ve chosen to begin a personal relationship with God, taking the first step in becoming a disciple.

Once someone has accepted Christ, a growing relationship means they’re equipped with God’s Word and taught how to apply it to everyday life. They grow in understanding about how to apply Scripture to situations at school, home and also in sports. Whether it’s through attending Huddles, having 1-on-1s, using FCA’s Bibles and devotionals, diving into The CORE, going through a YouVersion Bible app plan and more, they get familiar with the Word of God and encouragement for its application in their daily lives.

As equipped disciples grow, they are empowered to share the Gospel with others. FCA helps them go into the world as a difference maker for the Kingdom, taking tools and resources to others so they too can experience Christ.

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 2.42.58 PMThis strategy is referred to as E3 at FCA.


Through the process of rewriting our mission, one historic phrase could not be changed, it had to stay the same: His church.

FCA is an extension and supporter of the local church. Our role is to make disciples who make disciples and plug them into a local church where they can continue to be engaged, equipped and empowered. Disciples who are part of disciple-making movements will continue to birth the New Testament church. FCA partners with local churches, and we pursue relationships and partnerships with pastors, ministry leaders and other churchgoers to support ministry throughout the entire community.



It’s an exciting time for us as a global ministry. God is doing big things! FCA is entering new spaces and places and coming up with new strategies, programs and resources for reaching every coach and athlete for Christ. As we move forward, we have a singular message: pursue every, always remembering that every means every—no matter where, who and how.


Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 2.46.22 PM (1)STAFF ARE PURSUING THE MISSION

Faith. Fellowship. Fun. This was the encouragement for 2,100+ FCA staff members and spouses who attended FCA’s 2022 Realtime in San Antonio, Texas, last February. For three days, we gathered for worship, Bible teaching and vision casting. We talked about how we’re going to pursue the mission and reach every coach and athlete. It was a refreshing time where all of FCA’s regions and local areas from all around the world came together in unity to connect and recharge. As a ministry, we want to serve coaches and athletes from the overflow. Realtime 2022 filled us up.



Pursuing the Mission

Published on May 20, 2022


This article appears in the Spring 2022 edition of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.


In 2017, FCA refined its mission to provide a clearer, more concise statement:

“To lead every coach and athlete into a
growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.”

For the past several years, we have focused on creating actionable steps and resources to help staff pursue the mission to lead coaches and athletes, seeing effective ministry go “to and through” coaches, athletes and volunteers.

Today, the FCA Mission continues to drive our team. How do we share that the Gospel is for everyone through Christ? How do we invite coaches and athletes into spiritual journeys? How do we practically make disciples who make disciples?


Our mission puts our focus on every coach and athlete. And every means every. What do we mean by every? It’s about both our message and our reach.

IMG_3479 (2)Our message is clear: The Gospel is for everyone. Everyone can be saved through Christ. When coaches and athletes attend FCA, this is the first thing we hope they hear.

We also want to reach every coach and athlete. In every community. Every city. Every country and province. Every race. Every nationality. Every continent. Every man. Every woman. Every sport. Every ability. On campus. Off campus. Every space. Every place.

Pursuing our mission has led us to see coaches and athletes who are often overlooked and underserved. FCA is not only for those sliding into third base or kicking a game-winning goal. It’s for those riding surf boards and shooting bows, those revving motorbike engines and racing down the court in a game of wheelchair basketball.

It’s not only for those who can afford to compete in elite, traveling clubs, but for those playing a pick-up game of basketball between the street light poles. It’s for those in open and closed countries, those who get recruited to college teams and go pro, and for those who don’t. 

Coaches and athletes compete all around the world, and as a global ministry, we’re dedicated to every one of them with the Gospel of Christ.


What exactly is a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church? It can be found in a disciple-making disciple.

daniel leeWhen we connect with a coach, athlete or volunteer, we want them to be in an active, maturing relationship with Jesus. Whether it’s through The FOUR or another Gospel presentation, they’ve heard the message of salvation through the work of Jesus on the cross, and they’ve chosen to begin a personal relationship with God, taking the first step in becoming a disciple.

Once someone has accepted Christ, a growing relationship means they’re equipped with God’s Word and taught how to apply it to everyday life. They grow in understanding about how to apply Scripture to situations at school, home and also in sports. Whether it’s through attending Huddles, having 1-on-1s, using FCA’s Bibles and devotionals, diving into The CORE, going through a YouVersion Bible app plan and more, they get familiar with the Word of God and encouragement for its application in their daily lives.

As equipped disciples grow, they are empowered to share the Gospel with others. FCA helps them go into the world as a difference maker for the Kingdom, taking tools and resources to others so they too can experience Christ.

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 2.42.58 PMThis strategy is referred to as E3 at FCA.


Through the process of rewriting our mission, one historic phrase could not be changed, it had to stay the same: His church.

FCA is an extension and supporter of the local church. Our role is to make disciples who make disciples and plug them into a local church where they can continue to be engaged, equipped and empowered. Disciples who are part of disciple-making movements will continue to birth the New Testament church. FCA partners with local churches, and we pursue relationships and partnerships with pastors, ministry leaders and other churchgoers to support ministry throughout the entire community.



It’s an exciting time for us as a global ministry. God is doing big things! FCA is entering new spaces and places and coming up with new strategies, programs and resources for reaching every coach and athlete for Christ. As we move forward, we have a singular message: pursue every, always remembering that every means every—no matter where, who and how.


Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 2.46.22 PM (1)STAFF ARE PURSUING THE MISSION

Faith. Fellowship. Fun. This was the encouragement for 2,100+ FCA staff members and spouses who attended FCA’s 2022 Realtime in San Antonio, Texas, last February. For three days, we gathered for worship, Bible teaching and vision casting. We talked about how we’re going to pursue the mission and reach every coach and athlete. It was a refreshing time where all of FCA’s regions and local areas from all around the world came together in unity to connect and recharge. As a ministry, we want to serve coaches and athletes from the overflow. Realtime 2022 filled us up.