By Clark Kellogg, CBS Sports Analyst
This article appears in an issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.
Pursue, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, means to go after, to intentionally seek out, to engage in, to employ measures to obtain, or accomplish. Pursuing impact conjures up several thoughts for me.
Pursuing impact looks like acknowledging that God has created us in His image. We are His image bearers, created for the purpose of ruling and reigning with Him to bring about good in the world. When we pursue impact, we recognize that we are part of God’s design, and it leads us to follow His purpose for us. We know we are His workmanship (Eph 2:10), created in Christ Jesus to do good. This moves us closer to the high calling of subduing and ruling God’s creation as privileged participants.
Manifesting the fruit of the spirit in our lives, homes, workplaces, and communities is also part of what we pursue as Christians. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control should flow out of us to impact others and the world (Gal. 5:22). Our destiny, purpose, potential and calling is to reflect, represent and resemble God on the earth.
But most of all, pursuing impact, to me, means abiding in and pursuing Jesus. Knowing and being known by Him. Receiving and resting in His gifts of faith and salvation. Embracing His example of service, sacrifice and suffering. Taking on the disciplines of creating, prayer, service, silence, solitude and study. This transforms us from the inside out and it’s the kind of active pursuit that flows out of our relationship to God in response to Jesus’ immense love for us. It’s our identity as children of God that’s our driving force.
Reaping and Sowing
Many years ago I read Jerry Bridges’ book The Pursuit of Holiness. In the book he explains the biblical principle of reaping and sowing: We sow thoughts, which leads to reaping actions; we sow actions, which leads to reaping habits; and we sow habits, which leads to reaping character traits/characteristics. In other words: what we think about, we do; what we do repetitively becomes a habit; and our habits comprise much of who we are in character and identity. And it’s our character and identity, lived out every day in ways big and small, that creates impact.
Stewarding Life
Stewardship, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Our lives are a gift from God. All that our lives consist of is to be carefully and responsibly managed to glorify God and edify others. Our lives are to reflect and bring forth lasting good.
As children of God made in His image, it’s important to carefully steward our talents, time and treasure. We need to consider how we engage with others in our families, workplaces, communities and churches and how we handle blessings and challenges, joys and sorrows. Everything about how we live our lives God as his children should provide evidence that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. What we pursue will come out in how and what we steward in our lives, and it will look like loving God and loving others.
Prayer: Father, turn our hearts toward your statutes and away from selfish gain. Establish the work of our hands as we pursue You and steward all You’ve given us. Amen.

Clark Kellogg has worked as a CBS Sports college basketball game and studio analyst for the past 25 years. He played for Ohio State (1979-82) and earned All-Big Ten and Most Valuable Player honors (1982). Kellogg was the No. 1 draft pick of the Indiana Pacers in 1982 and played five seasons before retiring. Kellogg lives in Westerville, Ohio, with his wife, Rosy, and three children.
Photo courtesy of Clark Kellogg