This article appears in the Fall 2022 issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.
Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ. Ephesians 1:3
Nearly five years ago, FCA revealed a new mission statement that had prayerfully been updated and rewritten: “To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.” Leaders had undertaken the challenging process of rewriting the ministry’s mission because they felt teammates needed a more memorable, actionable phrase to pursue.

As the mission rolled out, one key phrase stood out, like a beam from a lighthouse guiding the way: Every. Struck with conviction to review who the ministry was reaching, and who it was not, FCA began to carefully and intentionally find ways to change, grow and expand so it was better positioned to reach every. As a ministry, we also focused on laying the spiritual groundwork for what Ephesians 1:3 calls “every spiritual blessing in Christ.”
We launched 2022 by letting coaches and athletes know that everything they need is found in Christ. We encouraged them with the truth that the answers to their deepest questions about purpose and love will always lead to God, not championships, trophies and accolades. We rolled out the Every challenge where coaches and athletes signed up to receive a roadmap to guide them, a 4-day devotional and a monthly encouragement.
● Since January 2022, 3,930 coaches and athletes have taken the Every challenge
For coaches and athletes who identified with the chasing, those searching for purpose and calling, we taught them that it starts with accepting Christ. Before they were born, God picked them for His team. To join it is simple: believe in God’s son, Jesus Christ, and invite Him into your heart. It’s a powerful invitation, one that everyone receives.
To explain this process simply, we turned to The FOUR, our tool that presents the Gospel in four simple steps. Everywhere FCA is, The FOUR can also be found.
● Since January 2022, 35,559 people have visited The FOUR website.
As Camp season hit, we focused on teaching coaches and athletes how to live every way like Christ. Like any successful coach or athlete who is focused on achieving their goals, the right tools must be in place if there’s hope of any success. For coaches going from chasing to fulfilled because they have every spiritual blessing in Christ, it was important that they learn the ways of Christ and how to mimic them.
All summer long, FCA Camps and our online content explained how to be rooted in God’s Word, how to talk to God through prayer, and the importance of staying connected to other Christians through places like FCA and church.
To help make disciples who will make disciples, we resourced coaches and athletes with The CORE, eight steps for strengthening faith. All around the world, coaches and athletes are using The CORE to understand the fundamentals of their faith, learn how to grow in their relationships with God, and be spurred on to share God with others.
●17,810 people have visited The CORE website this year.
In a few short months, our year will be coming to a close and a new ministry theme will launch in 2023. But, our focus on every is here to stay. As a ministry, we will continue to focus on how to reach every coach and athlete, in every generation, for Christ. We understand that to pursue this mission, we must spend every day with Christ.
As a faithful financial partner, your support has enabled us to take coaches and athletes on this spiritual journey this year. Will you help us end 2022 strong and launch into 2023? We depend on your support to engage, equip and empower coaches and athletes to give their all to Christ.
To submit a year-end gift online, or to support your local FCA staff and learn about non-cash ways of giving, visit
Thank you for supporting FCA. We pray you are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.