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Coins for Country

Published on December 29, 2022

Shannon Farlow

Every summer, FCA hosts hundreds of Power Camps across the globe. These camps are a time of inspiration and perspiration for coaches and athletes to reach their God-given potential. Faith grows, friendships are formed and lives are changed.

Last year, FCA staff in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania added a friendly competition to their Power Camps that not only impacted local campers, but created a ripple effect more than 8,000 miles away.

Coins for Camp

As Adam Burns, Lancaster County FCA Area Representative, planned his area’s summer Power Camps last year, he looked for ways he could help his FCA counterparts in the Philippines. While attending an FCA staff conference, Adam met Philippines National Directors Jojo and Janet Villa. After talking briefly about how they could support each other, the Villas introduced Adam to Mallette Junasa, FCA Area Representative in the Davao Region, and her son Kyle Junasa, FCA Field Support Officer in the Philippines. It was through this conversation that the seeds were planted for an incredible partnership.

Donating CoinsMallette and Kyle shared with Adam that their biggest need in the Philippines was Bibles to use during camps and coaches’ ministry, and Adam wanted to help.

In the spirit of friendly competition, Adam created a boys vs. girls competition, dubbed “Coins for Camp,” during his 2021 summer FCA Power Camps that would raise funds for Bibles. “We challenged the campers to bring in their loose change and shared a video from the Philippines so they could see where the Bibles would be going. That gave them a real connection to who they were serving. It wasn’t just a name or a country or a competition; it became personal,” shared Adam.

Throughout camp week, boys and girls brought in change, and parents wrote checks. The goal was $1,000, but by the end of week, they had raised more than $1,700 (the boys team won!). During their second Power Camp, indoor sports challenged the outdoor sports, and together they raised an additional $1,500. These campers not only had a meaningful week of camp activities, but they were part of something bigger. “To be able to bless someone is huge, and to include kids is huge. Even just a couple quarters help supply Bibles,” said Adam. “Coins for Camp” funded 489 Bibles for coaches and athletes in the Philippines last year alone.

Kyle and MalettaThis year, Lancaster County FCA raised an incredible $6,572.22 for the Philippines through their three 2022 summer camps.

“Bibles are such a great tool and source of ministry and connection. We call them limited editions because we don’t have that many,” laughed Mallette. “We had been praying for resources and were blessed.” 

The Ripple Effect

Mallette’s son, Kyle, was also inspired. “If these kids can raise this, how much can we do in our local areas?” he pondered. “It’s an opportunity and encouragement to do it ourselves. We are grateful but also encouraged to step up our game. Kids raised the standard of sacrificial giving.”

Local staff and pastors in the Philippines agreed. The “Coins for Country” challenge began, and more funds were raised for Bibles to be distributed throughout the country. “Mom had been praying specifically for resources and Bibles. Our Coaches Bibles were running low, with only two or three left. We were hesitant to give them out, but after praying, Mom got the camp video [from Adam] and she started crying. It’s a great opportunity to promote God to these coaches.”
– Kyle Junasa

In addition to using the Bibles during camps and coaches’ ministry events, Mallette gifted Bibles to the Philippines Sports Commission and the National President of Private Schools Athletic Association in the Philippines. Another Bible was given to a pastor who is a chaplain of a core team in the city. His wife covered it in plastic to avoid water and wear, and he uses it when he preaches. “When we give them a Bible, it’s our way of saying thank you for being a part of our team. It has created a very important and significant impact,” shared Mallette.

Often, it is the smallest things that make the biggest difference, and a friendly competition that started with a handful of coins spurred a faith-inspired movement with friends and partners in Southeast Asia.


Join us in praying specifically that God will raise up more partners for the FCA ministry in the Philippines’ Davao Region, that a local Leadership Board can be developed and that our staff and impact will grow by adding six new Area Directors.

To support the Philippines FCA ministry, click here. To support Lancaster County FCA’s ministry, click here. To get involved with FCA near you, visit fca.org.




Photos courtesy of Adam Burns, Kyle Junasa and Mallette Junasa

Coins for Country

Published on December 29, 2022

Shannon Farlow

Every summer, FCA hosts hundreds of Power Camps across the globe. These camps are a time of inspiration and perspiration for coaches and athletes to reach their God-given potential. Faith grows, friendships are formed and lives are changed.

Last year, FCA staff in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania added a friendly competition to their Power Camps that not only impacted local campers, but created a ripple effect more than 8,000 miles away.

Coins for Camp

As Adam Burns, Lancaster County FCA Area Representative, planned his area’s summer Power Camps last year, he looked for ways he could help his FCA counterparts in the Philippines. While attending an FCA staff conference, Adam met Philippines National Directors Jojo and Janet Villa. After talking briefly about how they could support each other, the Villas introduced Adam to Mallette Junasa, FCA Area Representative in the Davao Region, and her son Kyle Junasa, FCA Field Support Officer in the Philippines. It was through this conversation that the seeds were planted for an incredible partnership.

Donating CoinsMallette and Kyle shared with Adam that their biggest need in the Philippines was Bibles to use during camps and coaches’ ministry, and Adam wanted to help.

In the spirit of friendly competition, Adam created a boys vs. girls competition, dubbed “Coins for Camp,” during his 2021 summer FCA Power Camps that would raise funds for Bibles. “We challenged the campers to bring in their loose change and shared a video from the Philippines so they could see where the Bibles would be going. That gave them a real connection to who they were serving. It wasn’t just a name or a country or a competition; it became personal,” shared Adam.

Throughout camp week, boys and girls brought in change, and parents wrote checks. The goal was $1,000, but by the end of week, they had raised more than $1,700 (the boys team won!). During their second Power Camp, indoor sports challenged the outdoor sports, and together they raised an additional $1,500. These campers not only had a meaningful week of camp activities, but they were part of something bigger. “To be able to bless someone is huge, and to include kids is huge. Even just a couple quarters help supply Bibles,” said Adam. “Coins for Camp” funded 489 Bibles for coaches and athletes in the Philippines last year alone.

Kyle and MalettaThis year, Lancaster County FCA raised an incredible $6,572.22 for the Philippines through their three 2022 summer camps.

“Bibles are such a great tool and source of ministry and connection. We call them limited editions because we don’t have that many,” laughed Mallette. “We had been praying for resources and were blessed.” 

The Ripple Effect

Mallette’s son, Kyle, was also inspired. “If these kids can raise this, how much can we do in our local areas?” he pondered. “It’s an opportunity and encouragement to do it ourselves. We are grateful but also encouraged to step up our game. Kids raised the standard of sacrificial giving.”

Local staff and pastors in the Philippines agreed. The “Coins for Country” challenge began, and more funds were raised for Bibles to be distributed throughout the country. “Mom had been praying specifically for resources and Bibles. Our Coaches Bibles were running low, with only two or three left. We were hesitant to give them out, but after praying, Mom got the camp video [from Adam] and she started crying. It’s a great opportunity to promote God to these coaches.”
– Kyle Junasa

In addition to using the Bibles during camps and coaches’ ministry events, Mallette gifted Bibles to the Philippines Sports Commission and the National President of Private Schools Athletic Association in the Philippines. Another Bible was given to a pastor who is a chaplain of a core team in the city. His wife covered it in plastic to avoid water and wear, and he uses it when he preaches. “When we give them a Bible, it’s our way of saying thank you for being a part of our team. It has created a very important and significant impact,” shared Mallette.

Often, it is the smallest things that make the biggest difference, and a friendly competition that started with a handful of coins spurred a faith-inspired movement with friends and partners in Southeast Asia.


Join us in praying specifically that God will raise up more partners for the FCA ministry in the Philippines’ Davao Region, that a local Leadership Board can be developed and that our staff and impact will grow by adding six new Area Directors.

To support the Philippines FCA ministry, click here. To support Lancaster County FCA’s ministry, click here. To get involved with FCA near you, visit fca.org.




Photos courtesy of Adam Burns, Kyle Junasa and Mallette Junasa