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Are You Kidding Me?

Published on May 30, 2023

Dan Britton
                                     GG May 2023 

“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.” —Galatians 5:16–17


While watching sports highlights, I saw an incredible scene that made me scream at the TV, “Are you kidding me?” However, it wasn’t the great play that caused my reaction. Instead, it was what a player did after his play. With all eyes on him, he reached above his head and with both hands pointed to his name on the back of his jersey. I forgot his name (even though he wanted us all to remember it), but I didn’t forget his gesture. Pride was oozing.

I yelled, “Are you kidding me?” in disgust more than once. I would have understood if he had pointed to the team name on the front of his jersey, to his teammates who helped him score, or to the coaches who called the perfect play. But he unfortunately made it all about himself. The truth is: his self-glorifying gesture is common, accepted, and goes virtually unnoticed today in the world of sports.

Fortunately, not every athlete oozes with pride like this. After every kick, Matt Stover, a former NFL kicker, would always point to the sky, regardless of whether he made or missed. It was his way of glorifying God and remaining humble. Matt, like many athletes today, recognized that God gave him the ability to play, and he pointed to the sky as a regular reminder.

We have grown so numb to self-centeredness that we often don’t notice the behavior in ourselves, especially as disciple-makers. When people acknowledge the impact we’re making for Christ, we can point to ourselves, the name on the back of our jerseys, instead of pointing upward to Christ.

Lately I’ve realized God was actually speaking to me when I watched the prideful player point to his name on his jersey. I felt the Lord say to me, “Dan, you don’t outwardly point to your name, but you do it inwardly. You want people to notice you. You think you are better than the athlete because you don’t externally point to your name, but take a look inside.”

The Lord convicted me through the athlete’s selfish behavior. I heard Him saying the same thing I’d said about the player: “Are you kidding Me?”

I was a hypocrite, and I knew it. Outwardly I looked humble, but inwardly I was full of pride. I felt important and better than others. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. It’s putting others first. And I was convicted by God’s Word:

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.”
Philippians 2:3

As children of God, we must put on humility every day just like we put on our clothes. We must never consider leaving home without clothing ourselves with humility. It is an act of our will, a decision we need to make daily. Humility puts our hearts in the right place.

“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
—Colossians 3:12

If Jesus could give up His place in Heaven to come to those He created, we can give up our pride. If He was willing to sacrifice and suffer for our benefit, can’t we sacrifice the spotlight and enjoy lifting up others? It will produce an inward satisfaction that is hard to describe. We shouldn’t be the one who tells everybody how great we are; if there’s any positive talk about us, we should let it come from somebody else.

Humility beats pride every single time.

We need to understand that pursuing humility is a lifetime thing. Here’s a simple list to review that shows the value of humility over pride:

















Fruit of the Spirit



The blessing of humility is intimacy. When we clothe ourselves with humility, there is greater intimacy with Jesus and with others. Pride divides. Humility unites. Pride pushes God and others away. Humility unifies relationships. Don’t let pride drive a wedge between you and others. Put others before yourself. Put on humility and watch how God blesses your relationships. Point to His name, not your own.

Bottom line: Die to self. Never point to yourself, not even in the hidden areas of your heart. There needs to be a total sacrifice of the flesh, pointing toward God on the outside and on the inside. Our lives should bring attention to the only famous one: Jesus Christ. Humility beats pride every single time.

Famous One, Lord Jesus, I want to make You great. I want to give You glory inwardly and outwardly. It is easy to give glory outwardly, but in the depths of my soul, there is a pride and selfishness that rises up and prevents me from laying it all at Your feet. I keep glory for myself. Help me, Lord, to give You all the glory all the time. Today, I die to myself so You will live in and through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Are You Kidding Me?

Published on May 30, 2023

Dan Britton
                                     GG May 2023 

“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.” —Galatians 5:16–17


While watching sports highlights, I saw an incredible scene that made me scream at the TV, “Are you kidding me?” However, it wasn’t the great play that caused my reaction. Instead, it was what a player did after his play. With all eyes on him, he reached above his head and with both hands pointed to his name on the back of his jersey. I forgot his name (even though he wanted us all to remember it), but I didn’t forget his gesture. Pride was oozing.

I yelled, “Are you kidding me?” in disgust more than once. I would have understood if he had pointed to the team name on the front of his jersey, to his teammates who helped him score, or to the coaches who called the perfect play. But he unfortunately made it all about himself. The truth is: his self-glorifying gesture is common, accepted, and goes virtually unnoticed today in the world of sports.

Fortunately, not every athlete oozes with pride like this. After every kick, Matt Stover, a former NFL kicker, would always point to the sky, regardless of whether he made or missed. It was his way of glorifying God and remaining humble. Matt, like many athletes today, recognized that God gave him the ability to play, and he pointed to the sky as a regular reminder.

We have grown so numb to self-centeredness that we often don’t notice the behavior in ourselves, especially as disciple-makers. When people acknowledge the impact we’re making for Christ, we can point to ourselves, the name on the back of our jerseys, instead of pointing upward to Christ.

Lately I’ve realized God was actually speaking to me when I watched the prideful player point to his name on his jersey. I felt the Lord say to me, “Dan, you don’t outwardly point to your name, but you do it inwardly. You want people to notice you. You think you are better than the athlete because you don’t externally point to your name, but take a look inside.”

The Lord convicted me through the athlete’s selfish behavior. I heard Him saying the same thing I’d said about the player: “Are you kidding Me?”

I was a hypocrite, and I knew it. Outwardly I looked humble, but inwardly I was full of pride. I felt important and better than others. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. It’s putting others first. And I was convicted by God’s Word:

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.”
Philippians 2:3

As children of God, we must put on humility every day just like we put on our clothes. We must never consider leaving home without clothing ourselves with humility. It is an act of our will, a decision we need to make daily. Humility puts our hearts in the right place.

“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
—Colossians 3:12

If Jesus could give up His place in Heaven to come to those He created, we can give up our pride. If He was willing to sacrifice and suffer for our benefit, can’t we sacrifice the spotlight and enjoy lifting up others? It will produce an inward satisfaction that is hard to describe. We shouldn’t be the one who tells everybody how great we are; if there’s any positive talk about us, we should let it come from somebody else.

Humility beats pride every single time.

We need to understand that pursuing humility is a lifetime thing. Here’s a simple list to review that shows the value of humility over pride:

















Fruit of the Spirit



The blessing of humility is intimacy. When we clothe ourselves with humility, there is greater intimacy with Jesus and with others. Pride divides. Humility unites. Pride pushes God and others away. Humility unifies relationships. Don’t let pride drive a wedge between you and others. Put others before yourself. Put on humility and watch how God blesses your relationships. Point to His name, not your own.

Bottom line: Die to self. Never point to yourself, not even in the hidden areas of your heart. There needs to be a total sacrifice of the flesh, pointing toward God on the outside and on the inside. Our lives should bring attention to the only famous one: Jesus Christ. Humility beats pride every single time.

Famous One, Lord Jesus, I want to make You great. I want to give You glory inwardly and outwardly. It is easy to give glory outwardly, but in the depths of my soul, there is a pride and selfishness that rises up and prevents me from laying it all at Your feet. I keep glory for myself. Help me, Lord, to give You all the glory all the time. Today, I die to myself so You will live in and through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.