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S.E.E. the Light

Published on December 28, 2023

Dan Britton



“Dear friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and are in good health, just as your whole life is going well.”

—3 John 1:2 


When I played sports as a kid, the parents would pull up their cars next to the field when it was dark and shine their headlights when the practice was running late. We loved seeing the car lights because it meant more football! The lights brought camaraderie and made us feel special. They motivated us to play even harder and finish practice strong.

Going into this new year, we could use some headlight moments. We need to S.E.E. the light—not the car lights, but the light that deals with our health. Oftentimes this is an area we would rather keep in the dark.

S.E.E. stands for Sleep, Eat and Exercise. For most of us, we would rather focus on the mental, spiritual, relational and financial dimensions of life. The physical often gets swept under the rug until something gets broken and/or needs fixed or healed.

Thomas Fuller’s words ring true, “Health is not valued till sickness comes.” We react to a health problem instead of being proactively healthy. If we would S.E.E. the light when it comes to our health, we would understand that the physical impacts all other areas of life, because all aspects of life are integrated.

When I am not physically healthy, I become lazy and lethargic in the other dimensions of life. My motivation and drive erode, and other areas pay the price. However, when I am sleeping, eating and exercising well, I am disciplined and inspired to accomplish great things for God.

I love that the apostle John prayed for good health of his beloved friend Gauis in 3 John. He prayed he would prosper in every way, and he even highlighted his physical health! He wanted his faithful saint to prosper physically in the same way that his spiritual health was prospering. Just think, over 2,000 years ago, John was connecting the physical health to the spiritual health! Our physical health truly matters.

God wants us to enjoy extraordinary health fueled by abundant energy for the things that matter the most. And the Word of God says a lot about our health. Here are three foundational truths:

1. We are made in the image of God. (Genesis. 1:26-31)

2. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)

3. We are stewards of everything He has given us, including our bodies. (Psalm 24:1)

When we live by these principles, God can use us as vessels for His glory. The late Howard Hendricks challenged us when he said, “The single best way to gain five to ten years of effective ministry is to take care of your health.” I want every day, every week, every month, and every year of my life to be used for more Kingdom work. My part is preparing the vessel, and God's part is how and when He will use me. But I need to be ready for whatever He desires!

All of us want to enjoy extraordinary health fueled by abundant energy for the things that matter the most to us. If we establish these three daily physical anchors of sleep, eat and exercise, we can experience abundant life.

1. How much sleep do I need?

Since the physical affects the spiritual and emotional, if you do not get enough sleep, you'll be hurting other areas of your life. Someone told me that you should H.A.L.T. before making an important decision—do not make one if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. When you are tired, you cannot be the vessel that God desires. It isn't a question of how much sleep you can "get by" with, but how much you need. Psalm 127:2 (MSG) states, "It's useless to rise early and go to bed late and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?" God cares about this area of your life. Honor that by getting enough sleep. Let’s sleep better this year.

2. How do I view food?

I love food, but I must always remember that God not only created food to enjoy, but also to fuel the body. I won't put bad fuel in my car, so why would I put bad fuel in my body? The FCA Competitor’s Creed states, "My body is the temple of Jesus Christ. I protect it from within and without. Nothing enters my body that does not honor the Living God." Watchman Nee said, “We should understand that the body is for the Lord and not for ourselves; hence we should refrain from using it for our pleasure. Food ought not hinder our fellowship with God since it is to be taken purely to preserve the body in health.” Before we put something into our mouths, we need to ask if it will honor Him. Let’s eat clean this year!

3. How am I training?

When people tell me that it is "easy" for me to stay fit, I invite them to join me on my daily five-mile run! Exercise is tough. Staying physically fit is hard. It’s never easy, and it never becomes natural. God wants us to keep our "engines" tuned up at all times. The key is to find your thing and stick to it. Walking, running, swimming, climbing, Pilates, Zumba, CrossFit—there are lots of options. Over the years, I have utilized my exercise time to listen to sermons and podcasts so I can redeem the time for His glory. Often, God speaks to me in a powerful way in the middle of a workout. When I train my body, I feel His presence. Let’s move more this year!

Are you willing to S.E.E the light in 2024? Imagine: This could be the best year ever. God cares about your sleeping, eating and exercise. The question is: Do you care about it as much as He does? Let’s sleep better, eat clean and move more. Let’s do our part, so God can do His!

Lord, I realize that You created and crafted me. You created me in Your image. I want to see the light in regard to my health. Help me to sleep right, eat right and exercise right. My goal is to glorify You in these three areas. I ask You to help me when I am weak. Put people in my life who can help me. I praise You today for forming me and shaping me. May You be lifted up through my physical life. I want to be Your vessel in 2024 and bring You glory in all I do.


S.E.E. the Light

Published on December 28, 2023

Dan Britton



“Dear friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and are in good health, just as your whole life is going well.”

—3 John 1:2 


When I played sports as a kid, the parents would pull up their cars next to the field when it was dark and shine their headlights when the practice was running late. We loved seeing the car lights because it meant more football! The lights brought camaraderie and made us feel special. They motivated us to play even harder and finish practice strong.

Going into this new year, we could use some headlight moments. We need to S.E.E. the light—not the car lights, but the light that deals with our health. Oftentimes this is an area we would rather keep in the dark.

S.E.E. stands for Sleep, Eat and Exercise. For most of us, we would rather focus on the mental, spiritual, relational and financial dimensions of life. The physical often gets swept under the rug until something gets broken and/or needs fixed or healed.

Thomas Fuller’s words ring true, “Health is not valued till sickness comes.” We react to a health problem instead of being proactively healthy. If we would S.E.E. the light when it comes to our health, we would understand that the physical impacts all other areas of life, because all aspects of life are integrated.

When I am not physically healthy, I become lazy and lethargic in the other dimensions of life. My motivation and drive erode, and other areas pay the price. However, when I am sleeping, eating and exercising well, I am disciplined and inspired to accomplish great things for God.

I love that the apostle John prayed for good health of his beloved friend Gauis in 3 John. He prayed he would prosper in every way, and he even highlighted his physical health! He wanted his faithful saint to prosper physically in the same way that his spiritual health was prospering. Just think, over 2,000 years ago, John was connecting the physical health to the spiritual health! Our physical health truly matters.

God wants us to enjoy extraordinary health fueled by abundant energy for the things that matter the most. And the Word of God says a lot about our health. Here are three foundational truths:

1. We are made in the image of God. (Genesis. 1:26-31)

2. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)

3. We are stewards of everything He has given us, including our bodies. (Psalm 24:1)

When we live by these principles, God can use us as vessels for His glory. The late Howard Hendricks challenged us when he said, “The single best way to gain five to ten years of effective ministry is to take care of your health.” I want every day, every week, every month, and every year of my life to be used for more Kingdom work. My part is preparing the vessel, and God's part is how and when He will use me. But I need to be ready for whatever He desires!

All of us want to enjoy extraordinary health fueled by abundant energy for the things that matter the most to us. If we establish these three daily physical anchors of sleep, eat and exercise, we can experience abundant life.

1. How much sleep do I need?

Since the physical affects the spiritual and emotional, if you do not get enough sleep, you'll be hurting other areas of your life. Someone told me that you should H.A.L.T. before making an important decision—do not make one if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. When you are tired, you cannot be the vessel that God desires. It isn't a question of how much sleep you can "get by" with, but how much you need. Psalm 127:2 (MSG) states, "It's useless to rise early and go to bed late and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?" God cares about this area of your life. Honor that by getting enough sleep. Let’s sleep better this year.

2. How do I view food?

I love food, but I must always remember that God not only created food to enjoy, but also to fuel the body. I won't put bad fuel in my car, so why would I put bad fuel in my body? The FCA Competitor’s Creed states, "My body is the temple of Jesus Christ. I protect it from within and without. Nothing enters my body that does not honor the Living God." Watchman Nee said, “We should understand that the body is for the Lord and not for ourselves; hence we should refrain from using it for our pleasure. Food ought not hinder our fellowship with God since it is to be taken purely to preserve the body in health.” Before we put something into our mouths, we need to ask if it will honor Him. Let’s eat clean this year!

3. How am I training?

When people tell me that it is "easy" for me to stay fit, I invite them to join me on my daily five-mile run! Exercise is tough. Staying physically fit is hard. It’s never easy, and it never becomes natural. God wants us to keep our "engines" tuned up at all times. The key is to find your thing and stick to it. Walking, running, swimming, climbing, Pilates, Zumba, CrossFit—there are lots of options. Over the years, I have utilized my exercise time to listen to sermons and podcasts so I can redeem the time for His glory. Often, God speaks to me in a powerful way in the middle of a workout. When I train my body, I feel His presence. Let’s move more this year!

Are you willing to S.E.E the light in 2024? Imagine: This could be the best year ever. God cares about your sleeping, eating and exercise. The question is: Do you care about it as much as He does? Let’s sleep better, eat clean and move more. Let’s do our part, so God can do His!

Lord, I realize that You created and crafted me. You created me in Your image. I want to see the light in regard to my health. Help me to sleep right, eat right and exercise right. My goal is to glorify You in these three areas. I ask You to help me when I am weak. Put people in my life who can help me. I praise You today for forming me and shaping me. May You be lifted up through my physical life. I want to be Your vessel in 2024 and bring You glory in all I do.