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Giving Where God is at Work

Published on March 05, 2024


This article appears in the Fall 2023 issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.

I was born into a ministry family in Kazakhstan. When I was 11 years old, my father moved us from our comfortable heated home to the far east of Russia. The cold of Siberia felt more like camping in snow. Living with outhouses and no hot water was our new reality. This was confusing to me as a kid. Why did dad do this?

Years later, while still living in Russia, I engaged in Henry Blackaby’s famous work, "Experiencing God." The concept that we look for where God is at work and join in was life-changing. It helped me make sense of why my father made the choice he did years earlier. He saw God at work and followed. God blessed the ministry, and today, churches are still worshiping because my dad joined what God was doing.

We are all invited into God’s work in different ways—whether finances, prayer or speaking the Word of God. We are each given resources and giftings, and we are stewards of these. Some create art, some are blessed with large vehicles and can shuttle people around; and some, like me, have been blessed with a successful business. I’ve come to realize that my finances aren’t ultimately mine. I’ve also come to learn God’s economy is different from ours.

In Scripture we read two examples of people who walked the earth and attempted to follow after God but stewarded their finances differently. The first is King Solomon. With his wisdom, he accumulated great wealth, but that wealth was used in ways that didn’t expand God’s work. In fact, King Solomon used it to build temples to the gods of his foreign"We are all invited into God’s work in different ways—whether finances, prayer or speaking the Word of God."
-Alexander Fedorenko
wives. He diminished society, taxing people heavily to accumulate more and more wealth.

We juxtapose his stewardship with that of the widow in Luke 21. She gave from her heart, even though it was two small coins. I looked into what her two coins would be worth today, and they are worth an entire 14 cents in American currency.

King Solomon and the widow stewarded what they were given differently. The widow and her generosity brought worship to God. Her heart was sincere and her giving came from a place of sacrifice. To a God who can multiply fish and loaves, or give the escaping Israelites families gold and jewelry as they flee Egypt, the widow’s 14 cents likely had a large impact. When we see God at work and give financially to it, our resources collide with His, and great things happen.

So what does this mean for us? Please don’t misinterpret the parable: I’m not suggesting we strive after poverty and give away everything we have. The call here is to notice where God is at work and ask Him how He wants us to partner. When He answers, we personally give with cheerful hearts like the wandering Israelite families who left slavery with valuables. They were given valuables upon fleeing. They could have easily withheld them and claimed them as their own, as they represented provision and security for eventually getting their own land. And yet, when Moses began to build the tabernacle furnishings, individual families offered their valuables with cheerful hearts. They gave up their perceived security and joined with what God was doing. It was worship. They realized they were participants in God’s amazing plan.

It is true worship when we are aligned with what God is doing. My family and I recently had the opportunity to visit some of FCA’s work in Almaty, Kazakhstan, that we’ve had the privilege of financially supporting. Wow, God is taking my financial gifts, joining them with people like you, and multiplying them for His purposes. What an honor to worship God by playing a role in His Kingdom expansion.

Prayer: Lord, help me steward wisely and partner with You as I give all that You've given me back to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

y_A3LWlj - cropBIO: Alexander Fedorenko was born in Kazakstan and later immigrated to the far east of Russia as a missionary kid, where he finished Bible college. Fedorenko comes from a big family with eight siblings who are now spread across the U.S. and in Russia. Currently, Fedorenko resides in Salem, Oregon, with his wife and three daughters. He owns an electrical business and is an active member of Salem Alliance Church where he and his family are regular attendees and volunteers. He is a faithful FCA ministry partner.


Giving Where God is at Work

Published on March 05, 2024


This article appears in the Fall 2023 issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.

I was born into a ministry family in Kazakhstan. When I was 11 years old, my father moved us from our comfortable heated home to the far east of Russia. The cold of Siberia felt more like camping in snow. Living with outhouses and no hot water was our new reality. This was confusing to me as a kid. Why did dad do this?

Years later, while still living in Russia, I engaged in Henry Blackaby’s famous work, "Experiencing God." The concept that we look for where God is at work and join in was life-changing. It helped me make sense of why my father made the choice he did years earlier. He saw God at work and followed. God blessed the ministry, and today, churches are still worshiping because my dad joined what God was doing.

We are all invited into God’s work in different ways—whether finances, prayer or speaking the Word of God. We are each given resources and giftings, and we are stewards of these. Some create art, some are blessed with large vehicles and can shuttle people around; and some, like me, have been blessed with a successful business. I’ve come to realize that my finances aren’t ultimately mine. I’ve also come to learn God’s economy is different from ours.

In Scripture we read two examples of people who walked the earth and attempted to follow after God but stewarded their finances differently. The first is King Solomon. With his wisdom, he accumulated great wealth, but that wealth was used in ways that didn’t expand God’s work. In fact, King Solomon used it to build temples to the gods of his foreign"We are all invited into God’s work in different ways—whether finances, prayer or speaking the Word of God."
-Alexander Fedorenko
wives. He diminished society, taxing people heavily to accumulate more and more wealth.

We juxtapose his stewardship with that of the widow in Luke 21. She gave from her heart, even though it was two small coins. I looked into what her two coins would be worth today, and they are worth an entire 14 cents in American currency.

King Solomon and the widow stewarded what they were given differently. The widow and her generosity brought worship to God. Her heart was sincere and her giving came from a place of sacrifice. To a God who can multiply fish and loaves, or give the escaping Israelites families gold and jewelry as they flee Egypt, the widow’s 14 cents likely had a large impact. When we see God at work and give financially to it, our resources collide with His, and great things happen.

So what does this mean for us? Please don’t misinterpret the parable: I’m not suggesting we strive after poverty and give away everything we have. The call here is to notice where God is at work and ask Him how He wants us to partner. When He answers, we personally give with cheerful hearts like the wandering Israelite families who left slavery with valuables. They were given valuables upon fleeing. They could have easily withheld them and claimed them as their own, as they represented provision and security for eventually getting their own land. And yet, when Moses began to build the tabernacle furnishings, individual families offered their valuables with cheerful hearts. They gave up their perceived security and joined with what God was doing. It was worship. They realized they were participants in God’s amazing plan.

It is true worship when we are aligned with what God is doing. My family and I recently had the opportunity to visit some of FCA’s work in Almaty, Kazakhstan, that we’ve had the privilege of financially supporting. Wow, God is taking my financial gifts, joining them with people like you, and multiplying them for His purposes. What an honor to worship God by playing a role in His Kingdom expansion.

Prayer: Lord, help me steward wisely and partner with You as I give all that You've given me back to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

y_A3LWlj - cropBIO: Alexander Fedorenko was born in Kazakstan and later immigrated to the far east of Russia as a missionary kid, where he finished Bible college. Fedorenko comes from a big family with eight siblings who are now spread across the U.S. and in Russia. Currently, Fedorenko resides in Salem, Oregon, with his wife and three daughters. He owns an electrical business and is an active member of Salem Alliance Church where he and his family are regular attendees and volunteers. He is a faithful FCA ministry partner.