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President's Letter: The Roaming Eyes of the Lord

Published on November 07, 2024

Shane Williamson

This article appears in the Fall 2024 issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.

Earlier this year, I took a trip to Europe with my family to meet with some of our ministry leaders and explore other potential areas of opportunity. In Poland, I met some ministry friends from Ukraine who have had everything in life completely stripped away—their homes, their families, their future... everything. They are starting life over from scratch.

While feeling burdened for my Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ, I arrived in Spain shortly afterward to meet with a local pastor who wants to start sports ministry there. But the job won’t be easy. He told me, “You know, Spain is difficult. I’m just not sure.”

Before we left Spain, my family and I saw an intriguing advertisement_qvIp3t4 for a “resurrection concert” to be hosted in Madrid. Curious, we decided to attend.

As I stood in an expansive city square waiting for the concert to begin, my heart was heavy with the various burdens of family, friends and ministry. Life in a fallen world can be hard. I felt discouraged and, yes, overwhelmed.

Then the concert started. The event’s first surprise was the deejay: a Catholic priest manning the soundboard while decked out in traditional ecclesiastic garments! Soon, Pope Francis appeared on a giant screen and gave a brief video message. Then an amazing worship band began belting out modern worship music, lifting up the name of Jesus among a crowd of 50,000 in the capital city.

There, in that moment, I felt the presence of the Lord. I felt seen! Second Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (NLT). I felt loved. He saw me; He found me; He strengthened me! It was as if He were whispering to me, “I have you. I have FCA. I have Spain. I have it all.”

God’s eyes are on those who follow Him—those who are ready to advance His Kingdom to encourage, to support and to strengthen. He will find you!

As we finish our 2024 theme, 24/7, our final focus is “Ready.” God is looking for those who are ready to serve Him. His eyes are roaming the earth to find people who are fully devoted to Him to strengthen them and equip them for His good work.

God isn’t playing hide-and-seek with us. He is good, loving and intentional. As He searches for those whose hearts yearn for Him, His Spirit also empowers us to walk in that devotion—to accomplish the good works that He has created in advance for us to do.

As we Reset, Renew, Refuel and work faithfully to be Ready in Christ, God’s eyes are upon us. He sees us and will show Himself strong!


President's Letter: The Roaming Eyes of the Lord

Published on November 07, 2024

Shane Williamson

This article appears in the Fall 2024 issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.

Earlier this year, I took a trip to Europe with my family to meet with some of our ministry leaders and explore other potential areas of opportunity. In Poland, I met some ministry friends from Ukraine who have had everything in life completely stripped away—their homes, their families, their future... everything. They are starting life over from scratch.

While feeling burdened for my Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ, I arrived in Spain shortly afterward to meet with a local pastor who wants to start sports ministry there. But the job won’t be easy. He told me, “You know, Spain is difficult. I’m just not sure.”

Before we left Spain, my family and I saw an intriguing advertisement_qvIp3t4 for a “resurrection concert” to be hosted in Madrid. Curious, we decided to attend.

As I stood in an expansive city square waiting for the concert to begin, my heart was heavy with the various burdens of family, friends and ministry. Life in a fallen world can be hard. I felt discouraged and, yes, overwhelmed.

Then the concert started. The event’s first surprise was the deejay: a Catholic priest manning the soundboard while decked out in traditional ecclesiastic garments! Soon, Pope Francis appeared on a giant screen and gave a brief video message. Then an amazing worship band began belting out modern worship music, lifting up the name of Jesus among a crowd of 50,000 in the capital city.

There, in that moment, I felt the presence of the Lord. I felt seen! Second Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (NLT). I felt loved. He saw me; He found me; He strengthened me! It was as if He were whispering to me, “I have you. I have FCA. I have Spain. I have it all.”

God’s eyes are on those who follow Him—those who are ready to advance His Kingdom to encourage, to support and to strengthen. He will find you!

As we finish our 2024 theme, 24/7, our final focus is “Ready.” God is looking for those who are ready to serve Him. His eyes are roaming the earth to find people who are fully devoted to Him to strengthen them and equip them for His good work.

God isn’t playing hide-and-seek with us. He is good, loving and intentional. As He searches for those whose hearts yearn for Him, His Spirit also empowers us to walk in that devotion—to accomplish the good works that He has created in advance for us to do.

As we Reset, Renew, Refuel and work faithfully to be Ready in Christ, God’s eyes are upon us. He sees us and will show Himself strong!