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Miracles and Moves

Published on December 26, 2024

Sarah Freymuth

Ultimate frisbee is gaining popularity across the globe, and one leader in Central Asia has found the opportunity to lead young men and women toward the love of Jesus through slinging discs.

Born into a Muslim family, Everett* practiced the ways of Islam in a prominent family lineage. He was well versed in the Qur’an and prayer, preparing for a deep life of faith.

In 2011, his older sister began learning English, and one of the girls in her class invited her to church. Everett tagged along and immediately sensed something different about the Christian faith that the church practiced.

“I felt like I was at home,” Everett said. “In my heart, I had shalom, I had peace.”

His mind, however, fought against the peace. He recalled all the religious knowledge he grew up with, and he knew his interest in Christianity would not make his Muslim family happy. But Everett continued to go to church with his sister and wrestled with the peace of his heart and reason in his mind. In one of the sermons, he heard the pastor say that Jesus loved him, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

“It touched my heart,” he remembered. “I was shocked because in Islam, people must do something to go to heaven. But the pastor said that Jesus just loved me; it was so simple.”

It got Everett thinking about this God who simply loved. He thought about it when he went to the mosque on Friday and church on Sunday. He thought of it as he flipped burgers at the fast food restaurant where he worked. There was something intriguing about the simplicity of what Jesus offered, but he was brought up to be Muslim; which was right?

One night at work, Everett’s mom, cousin, and a friend came to visit while he closed the restaurant. As he went to open the gas tank to cook up a shawarma burger, he heard an engine revving. The next thing he knew, a Mercedes Benz crashed through the restaurant, stopping inches from Everett and the open cooking gas tank.

“I closed my eyes, preparing to die,” he remembered. “I was 17 years old; everything flashed across my eyes. I said, ‘God, forgive me,’ and ‘Save my mom.’”

When his eyes reopened, he saw he could jump and slide across the table and get everyone out of the restaurant. It felt miraculous.

After the near-death experience, Everett fell into a depression. He had enjoyed working at his job, but the restaurant was out of commission and needed to be repaired.

Sitting at a bus stop, he questioned God about that day. That’s when he heard a voice that set him free. “It was like cold water, a shock to my soul,” said Everett. “My depression went away as I woke up.”

He resumed attending church with his sister and gave his life to Jesus; he was baptized in 2016. As he grew in his faith, he asked God to show Himself through various ways. One of them happened when he met his now-wife Julia*, a life partner who shared his faith and an answer to his prayers. They began to serve in church together.

Feeling a passion to share his Christian faith, Everett prayed for open doors. In 2016, Everett was introduced to the game of ultimate frisbee. He joined a team, but soon realized that he could have a greater impact on athletes as a coach. He began coaching the following year. In 2021, he registered his team as part of the official federation, and then part of the World Flying Disc Federation, like FIFA is to the soccer world. This gave him and his team the opportunity to go into schools and universities and introduce ultimate frisbee to students to get them involved in the game.

As Everett kept praying to see God move, God kept opening doors. Everett is involved in the country’s ultimate frisbee community and brings many athletes through his facility to compete in the club and tournaments. Everett teaches the game, and he also hosts a Huddle and prayer time.

“I tell them that Jesus loves and cares for them, and before every tournament, I try to tell a story from Jesus’ life,” he said.

Many non-believers who have joined the club sit and listen to Everett’s messages, not knowing what to make of them. But, over time, they have begun to see Everett’s genuineness and the simplicity of the Gospel. What drew in Everett has begun to draw in these athletes, too.

Everett had heard of FCA a little while before officially joining FCA in the beginning of 2021. He is grateful to be part of a team that loves sports and Jesus. “It’s a big family,” he said. “It’s a big blessing that my wife and I can serve together with people who love talking about Jesus.”

The miracles and moves of God in Everett’s life have continued to unfold. His family noticed a difference in Everett once he became a Christian, and despite his fears, through his words and actions over the years, most of his family members have become believers of Jesus.

Everett engages those in the ultimate frisbee community relationally by meeting for coffee, getting to know them, and sharing his story. He also wears FCA’s The FOUR wristbands, ready to share about Jesus anyone who asks. Thanks to Everett’s time and care, some the athletes have now started Huddles of their own and are continuing to share Christ through their community.

This year, 58 frisbee athletes have come to know Jesus as Lord through the club. “This was like winning the championship!” said Everett.

God positioned Everett to be the bridge between athletes and Jesus through his ultimate frisbee club and being positioned in the federation.

“Through my story, I can serve the people of my country,” he said. “They need Jesus.”



*Name changed for security




Please pray for Everett’s father to know Jesus as Messiah, and for Everett to continue to be a light in his family. Pray also for the ultimate frisbee teams, that God would continue to use them to draw athletes to Himself, and that God would raise up more staff and volunteers in his country.      






Photos courtesy of Unsplash - Mayir Ramirez

Miracles and Moves

Published on December 26, 2024

Sarah Freymuth

Ultimate frisbee is gaining popularity across the globe, and one leader in Central Asia has found the opportunity to lead young men and women toward the love of Jesus through slinging discs.

Born into a Muslim family, Everett* practiced the ways of Islam in a prominent family lineage. He was well versed in the Qur’an and prayer, preparing for a deep life of faith.

In 2011, his older sister began learning English, and one of the girls in her class invited her to church. Everett tagged along and immediately sensed something different about the Christian faith that the church practiced.

“I felt like I was at home,” Everett said. “In my heart, I had shalom, I had peace.”

His mind, however, fought against the peace. He recalled all the religious knowledge he grew up with, and he knew his interest in Christianity would not make his Muslim family happy. But Everett continued to go to church with his sister and wrestled with the peace of his heart and reason in his mind. In one of the sermons, he heard the pastor say that Jesus loved him, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

“It touched my heart,” he remembered. “I was shocked because in Islam, people must do something to go to heaven. But the pastor said that Jesus just loved me; it was so simple.”

It got Everett thinking about this God who simply loved. He thought about it when he went to the mosque on Friday and church on Sunday. He thought of it as he flipped burgers at the fast food restaurant where he worked. There was something intriguing about the simplicity of what Jesus offered, but he was brought up to be Muslim; which was right?

One night at work, Everett’s mom, cousin, and a friend came to visit while he closed the restaurant. As he went to open the gas tank to cook up a shawarma burger, he heard an engine revving. The next thing he knew, a Mercedes Benz crashed through the restaurant, stopping inches from Everett and the open cooking gas tank.

“I closed my eyes, preparing to die,” he remembered. “I was 17 years old; everything flashed across my eyes. I said, ‘God, forgive me,’ and ‘Save my mom.’”

When his eyes reopened, he saw he could jump and slide across the table and get everyone out of the restaurant. It felt miraculous.

After the near-death experience, Everett fell into a depression. He had enjoyed working at his job, but the restaurant was out of commission and needed to be repaired.

Sitting at a bus stop, he questioned God about that day. That’s when he heard a voice that set him free. “It was like cold water, a shock to my soul,” said Everett. “My depression went away as I woke up.”

He resumed attending church with his sister and gave his life to Jesus; he was baptized in 2016. As he grew in his faith, he asked God to show Himself through various ways. One of them happened when he met his now-wife Julia*, a life partner who shared his faith and an answer to his prayers. They began to serve in church together.

Feeling a passion to share his Christian faith, Everett prayed for open doors. In 2016, Everett was introduced to the game of ultimate frisbee. He joined a team, but soon realized that he could have a greater impact on athletes as a coach. He began coaching the following year. In 2021, he registered his team as part of the official federation, and then part of the World Flying Disc Federation, like FIFA is to the soccer world. This gave him and his team the opportunity to go into schools and universities and introduce ultimate frisbee to students to get them involved in the game.

As Everett kept praying to see God move, God kept opening doors. Everett is involved in the country’s ultimate frisbee community and brings many athletes through his facility to compete in the club and tournaments. Everett teaches the game, and he also hosts a Huddle and prayer time.

“I tell them that Jesus loves and cares for them, and before every tournament, I try to tell a story from Jesus’ life,” he said.

Many non-believers who have joined the club sit and listen to Everett’s messages, not knowing what to make of them. But, over time, they have begun to see Everett’s genuineness and the simplicity of the Gospel. What drew in Everett has begun to draw in these athletes, too.

Everett had heard of FCA a little while before officially joining FCA in the beginning of 2021. He is grateful to be part of a team that loves sports and Jesus. “It’s a big family,” he said. “It’s a big blessing that my wife and I can serve together with people who love talking about Jesus.”

The miracles and moves of God in Everett’s life have continued to unfold. His family noticed a difference in Everett once he became a Christian, and despite his fears, through his words and actions over the years, most of his family members have become believers of Jesus.

Everett engages those in the ultimate frisbee community relationally by meeting for coffee, getting to know them, and sharing his story. He also wears FCA’s The FOUR wristbands, ready to share about Jesus anyone who asks. Thanks to Everett’s time and care, some the athletes have now started Huddles of their own and are continuing to share Christ through their community.

This year, 58 frisbee athletes have come to know Jesus as Lord through the club. “This was like winning the championship!” said Everett.

God positioned Everett to be the bridge between athletes and Jesus through his ultimate frisbee club and being positioned in the federation.

“Through my story, I can serve the people of my country,” he said. “They need Jesus.”



*Name changed for security




Please pray for Everett’s father to know Jesus as Messiah, and for Everett to continue to be a light in his family. Pray also for the ultimate frisbee teams, that God would continue to use them to draw athletes to Himself, and that God would raise up more staff and volunteers in his country.      






Photos courtesy of Unsplash - Mayir Ramirez