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Living From the Overflow

Published on January 07, 2025

Sarah Freymuth

This article appears in the Fall 2024 issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.



“A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” John 10:10


When we find our name on the final roster, our chests fill with excitement, pride and anticipation. What we’ve worked toward and hoped for has become reality! When we love something, we put everything we have into it. We live and breathe what’s important to us. But this can lead to a rickety foundation if what we’ve placed our hope in disappoints us or crumbles unexpectedly.

Jesus pointed out how vastly different the thief of our souls is from our Savior. While the enemy attempts to lead us down a path of discord, hurt and destruction, Jesus, our good Shepherd, brings a life full of abundance, unity and light.

God has so much more in store for us than we can even imagine. Beyond any championship, accolade or success, God wants to give us an abundant life in Him. Take a minute and listen to the voice of Jesus, reminding you what it looks like to live in the promises and overflow of His love.

Overflowing Joy

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit that is produced in us by the power of the Holy Spirit when we choose to look at situations with an eternal lens. Even in our trials, God can grow a deeper joy that isn’t dependent on what we face, but whowe face it with. Deep-rooted joy is intriguing, and others will notice this in you and want to know how you remain joyful, even in the middle of hard things.

Overflowing Hope

God’s promises fill us with ultimate hope, which does not disappoint. We know thatin the end, He will make all things right, and we can look to Him in all our circumstances to build confidence thatin Christ, no situation is impossible, and there is always more to come.

Overflowing Grace

Grace abounds over and over. For as many times as we slip and stumble, God guides us back to His mercy and love. The more grace God gives, the more we receive. And the more we receive, the more we get to be vessels of that grace and extend it to the people around us. Grace gives more than we can imagine, and it’s what sets God’s love apart.

Living from the overflow brings a deep and lasting peace that can only come from fully abiding in the Lord. Recognize His grace, hope and joy for you. Receive it and let it settle within you. This is the full life Jesus promises. Choose the way of God’s grace and step into all the abundance that comes from our good Shepherd.


What are the things that drain you and what things fill you up? What do you need to live a life overflowing in Christ? Where should you ask Jesus to fill your life so you can live abundantly as He promised? Make a list of the things that bring you joy and do one of those things today.


Psalm 16:11

Romans 8:24-25

John 1:17-18


Lord, thank You for the abundant life You offer. Fill me with Your overflowing joy, hope and grace so that I may experience You in deeper ways and others can experience You through my life. Thank You that You have so much in store for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”



Living From the Overflow

Published on January 07, 2025

Sarah Freymuth

This article appears in the Fall 2024 issue of the FCA Donor Publication. The FCA publication is a gift from our FCA staff to all donors giving $50 or more annually. For more information about giving, visit here.



“A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” John 10:10


When we find our name on the final roster, our chests fill with excitement, pride and anticipation. What we’ve worked toward and hoped for has become reality! When we love something, we put everything we have into it. We live and breathe what’s important to us. But this can lead to a rickety foundation if what we’ve placed our hope in disappoints us or crumbles unexpectedly.

Jesus pointed out how vastly different the thief of our souls is from our Savior. While the enemy attempts to lead us down a path of discord, hurt and destruction, Jesus, our good Shepherd, brings a life full of abundance, unity and light.

God has so much more in store for us than we can even imagine. Beyond any championship, accolade or success, God wants to give us an abundant life in Him. Take a minute and listen to the voice of Jesus, reminding you what it looks like to live in the promises and overflow of His love.

Overflowing Joy

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit that is produced in us by the power of the Holy Spirit when we choose to look at situations with an eternal lens. Even in our trials, God can grow a deeper joy that isn’t dependent on what we face, but whowe face it with. Deep-rooted joy is intriguing, and others will notice this in you and want to know how you remain joyful, even in the middle of hard things.

Overflowing Hope

God’s promises fill us with ultimate hope, which does not disappoint. We know thatin the end, He will make all things right, and we can look to Him in all our circumstances to build confidence thatin Christ, no situation is impossible, and there is always more to come.

Overflowing Grace

Grace abounds over and over. For as many times as we slip and stumble, God guides us back to His mercy and love. The more grace God gives, the more we receive. And the more we receive, the more we get to be vessels of that grace and extend it to the people around us. Grace gives more than we can imagine, and it’s what sets God’s love apart.

Living from the overflow brings a deep and lasting peace that can only come from fully abiding in the Lord. Recognize His grace, hope and joy for you. Receive it and let it settle within you. This is the full life Jesus promises. Choose the way of God’s grace and step into all the abundance that comes from our good Shepherd.


What are the things that drain you and what things fill you up? What do you need to live a life overflowing in Christ? Where should you ask Jesus to fill your life so you can live abundantly as He promised? Make a list of the things that bring you joy and do one of those things today.


Psalm 16:11

Romans 8:24-25

John 1:17-18


Lord, thank You for the abundant life You offer. Fill me with Your overflowing joy, hope and grace so that I may experience You in deeper ways and others can experience You through my life. Thank You that You have so much in store for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”