The Oxford Dictionary defines “season” as four divisions of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. A particular weather pattern marks each season.
According to Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV), “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Your circumstances are providential and have purpose, whether orchestrated by God or allowed by Him. God is intentional in your life.
Let me repeat: God has a plan for your life when you surrender to His authority to be used by Him for His glory and your good.
Pause and consider the following:
• Are you in a “spring” season of new beginnings or hope and opportunities?
• Or a “summer” season where everything you do is full of growth or filled with distractions?
• Or maybe you are in an “autumn” season where you feel your life slowing down and becoming more inward-focused to nurture yourself.
• Perhaps you are in a “winter” season where opportunities appear dormant or non-existent, or you may be experiencing heartbreak, loneliness, illness or sadness.
Take some time to assess where you are and ask yourself what season you identify with the most right now. Then consider what God may be teaching you in this season. As you consider your gifts, talents and passions, also consider God’s purpose for your life.
Read the rest of the article to understand how to give God glory in the season you're in.