Battle Ready PUBLISHED ON January 31, 2024 In life, we drift to complexity instead of driving to simplicity. Every day, week, month and year that goes by, our lives get more and more ...
S.E.E. the Light PUBLISHED ON December 27, 2023 God wants us to enjoy extraordinary health fueled by abundant energy for the things that matter the most.
Kenya's Rising Star PUBLISHED ON December 19, 2023 Passion-driven Vinny Nyamweya is making a way for God’s Kingdom in the Kenyan lacrosse community.
The 10 Irrational Laws of Serving PUBLISHED ON November 30, 2023 When serving, we need to have intentionality, intensity and intimacy. The passion for serving must come from the heart.
Daniel Dias - Paralympic Swimming, Brazil PUBLISHED ON November 15, 2023 "If God puts me in a certain situation, He will give me the power, knowledge and the wisdom for making a way for balance in my life."
What's Your Go-To? PUBLISHED ON October 27, 2023 What is your go-to move that allows you to be your best for Christ?
Always Faithful PUBLISHED ON October 19, 2023 Dedicated FCA volunteer Mike Kehler has been pouring into Canadian athletes for more than 40 years.