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  • Praying for Camps Around the World

    Join together in prayer with tens of thousands of Campers, coaches, volunteers and staff as we engage, equip and empower each person to become disciple-makers in their sport and community.

  • PRAY/9:38

    PRAY/9:38 is a prayer initiative to mobilize staff and volunteers throughout FCA to pray for God to send more workers into the world of sport to make disciples.

  • A Divine Encounter Impacts Philippines

    The best way to tackle the enormous challenge was build a core team around him and then begin establishing ministry across the nation’s 146 cities, one at a time.

  • All Nations

    God has breathed onto the international movement over the last 12 years and is expanding his ministry through sports across the world.

  • Shout Out Drill

    The Shout Out Drill is a powerful way to bless and inspire teammates to give their best and to recognize others efforts. It will create a culture of encouragement and blessing.

  • Zorilla Cup Connecting Baseball with Faith

    Ben Zobrist’s 6th Annual ‘Zorilla Cup’ Tournament creates excitement for baseball—and for Jesus—among Ukrainian coaches and athletes.

  • Multiplication In The Dominican Republic

    The first step is to help the coach, and they watch us do the ministry. The second step is the coach helps us while we do the ministry. The third step is they do the ministry, and we help them. It’s that concept of multiplication.”

  • No Limits: Bibles For All

    FCA now has 49 reading plans to which users have subscribed over 1.4 million times in just over five years including numerous languages such as Spanish, French, Russian, Ukrainian and Mandarin.

  • Sit, Soak and Soar

    Maybe the benches are there to sit, soak and soar! Stopping the chaos and stepping away from all the stuff that clutters my life and reflect on God’s goodness, greatness and graciousness produces a heart of gratitude.

  • To See the World...

    110 leaders gathered for the 2019 International Capacity Conference in Antigua, Guatemala.

  • Dream Team

    If you could assemble your own Dream Team (personally or professionally), who would be on it? Who are the right teammates who will bring out the best in you, and you will bring the best out in them too?

  • Multi-Language Resources near 250,000

    Bibles in Thai, Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Portuguese and More Help Bring Coaches and Athletes Closer to God’s Word

  • Go Generous

    Generosity means irrational giving. It is allowing God to take us to the next level of blessing those around us.

  • Stop, Drop and Remember

    Since it is so hard for me to remember, I have implemented three exercises I do at the end of each year that forces me to Stop, Drop and Remember...

  • Breakthrough in the Caribbean

    If Mark Hull has learned one thing from his global travels, it’s the simple fact that, while cultures can be vastly different, there are two common threads between them all.

  • International Impact Video Report

    FCA has expanded from 62 countries into 84 this past year through the faithfulness of 242 international leaders.