So, here we are again at the start of another year!
As we ring in 2013, most of us have big plans to make changes, get all our ducks in a row, and be more obedient to the Lord. But inevitably, unexpected things will happen and our will-ingness to follow through with our New Year’s resolutions will be challenged.
Thankfully, we follow an omnipotent God who is in complete control of every second of this New Year. Oftentimes we try to predict what the future holds in order to keep control of our lives. But how often does that work for us? It reminds me of when my play calling would be questioned as an NFL offensive coordinator. I’d respond by saying, “Do you think I can control 22 people when the ball is snapped? I don’t think so!”
I couldn’t control the players then, and I can’t control things in my own life now. Thankfully, I do know the One who can, and that's where I put my trust.
As this year progresses, I want to challenge you to accept the fact that you aren't in control. God is. You can’t change the circumstances you may face, but God is faithful. If you put your trust in Him and obey Him, the burden of controlling your life will be lifted. 1 John 5:3 explains it very clearly: “For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands. Now His commands are not a burden...”
Now, I realize that, because of our inherited sin nature, we have no desire to obey or submit to anyone or anything. We are all guilty of having the selfish desires to completely control every aspect of our lives – from the big things all the way to the most minute details. We think, "Why let anyone else determine our destiny? Society says we control our own destiny!"
But I’m here to tell you, it should be our desire as Christ-followers to know, love, believe, trust—and yes—obey Him. We do that by spending time meditating on His Word, which has the power to transform lives.
In FCA we call the Bible, “God's Game Plan,” and yet so often as coaches and athletes we don't take the time to read the game plan. We all know what happens when players don’t fol-low the coach’s game plan. But when we read His Word and we meditate upon it, it's amazing to see how the Holy Spirit can bring things to life inside of us and give us insight into the day, or week, or even into the future. How about this year? What does God want you to accom-plish? How will He work in your life?
I can't encourage you enough to begin 2013 by recognizing the importance of obeying and trusting God, reading His Word, and communicating with Him through prayer. Get on your knees and truly go to the Lord; take time to be quiet and listen to His voice and see what God is saying before moving forward.
Life can be very exciting each and every day when we're living with God. Not for or under Him, but truly with Him. How exhilarating a life like that can be!
You’ve probably heard this before—and I really believe it—that this life is God’s gift to us, and what we do with it is our gift back to Him. So let me challenge you to begin the New Year by being faithful to God by being the athlete, coach, mentor or friend that He’s called you to be. A Christian who follows Jesus can make a difference in this world in 2013.
Model the Master,
Les Steckel
FCA President/CEO
Originally Published: January 2013