Historic Moments: 1994-2003

Published on August 27, 2014

by FCA

Part five of a six-part series celebrating significant moments in the 60-year history of FCA.

1995: FCA establishes its first domain on the web: www.FCA.org.

FCA Website 2

1996: FCA releases the first One Way 2 Play – Drug Free! video.

1998: More than 10,000 players take part in the first FCA National Golf Scramble.

1998: FCA establishes the Grant Teaff Coach of the Year and Grant Teaff Lifetime Achievements awards, named after the longtime football coach most known for his 20-year career at Baylor University.

1999: FCA’s official vision is established: “To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.”

2000: Vice Presidential candidate Dick Cheney visits FCA headquarters to endorse the One Way 2 Play – Drug Free! program.

2000: Ground is broken on the FCA headquarters expansion project in Kansas City, Mo.

Groundbreaking 2

2001: FCA introduces a new logo for the first time in 40 years.

Logo 2

2002: FCA’s newly expanded 59,000-square-foot headquarters is dedicated.

Building Dedication

2002: FCA introduces its Four C’s of Ministry concept: Coaches, Campus, Camps, Community.

2003: FCA Baseball ministry is established.

FCA Baseball 2

2003: FCA Motocross ministry is established.


2003: FCA introduces its Team FCA membership program and the Competitor’s Creed.

Team FCA

2003: FCA establishes the Bobby Bowden Athlete of the Year award, named after the former Florida State University football coach.

2003: FCA establishes the John Lotz “Barnabas” Coach of the Year award, named after the former University of Florida basketball Coach

2003: FCA Camp attendance exceeds 20,000; number of Certified FCA Huddles reaches 7,790.

--This article appears in the September/October 2014 issue of FCA Magazine. To view the issue in its entirety digitally, click here: Sept/Oct 2014 Digital

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