This story appears in FCA Magazine’s March/April 2016 issue. Subscribe today!

Western Region - Hawaii, California, Nevada
Field VP: Mark Boyer
Region Website:
Ministry Moment: Last camp season, a high school student in our area who is homeless wanted to go to FCA Camp, but couldn’t afford it. Through an FCA Camp scholarship, the student’s mother donating plasma, and his FCA Huddle Coach donating money, the young basketball player was able to attend camp and, while there, he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Prayer Requests:
1. Upcoming camp ministry this summer in the Western Region, especially large regional camps at UCLA and UC Davis.
2. God's direction as we strategically plan for the 2016-17 fiscal year.
3. That our staff would be spiritually renewed and encouraged as they enjoy family and vacation time this summer.

Northeast Region - New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine
Field VP: Sean McNamara
Region Website:
Ministry Moment: Our Regional Inner City Coordinator Frank Reynoso is establishing our New York City team that now includes Long Island Area Representative Jason Harewood and Manhattan Area Representative Ugonna Onyekwe. Reynoso has also been responsible for the development of 19 FCA Campus Huddles spread among the five New York City boroughs.
Prayer Requests:
1. That God will raise up board members who have a passion for seeing the gospel spread through FCA in our region.
2. For wisdom and discernment for Sean McNamara and Northeast Regional International Coordinator Phil Tuttle as they work on growing FCA in Canada.
3. That we will continue to grow our staff in order to better minister to coaches.

Midwest Region - Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois
Field VP: Tim Johnson
Region Contact Info:
Ministry Moment: This past winter, FCA’s National Support Center revealed its newly renovated first floor in collaboration with Kansas City FCA’s “Night of Hope” where Tony Dungy shared his faith and testimony. It was a great night of new and old friends gathering together to praise God and inspire local coaches and athletes, and offer the hope of Christ through FCA to Kansas City’s inner city.
Prayer Requests:
1. To find and fund an Urban Director for Chicago FCA.
2. For our staff to successfully recruit college athletes to attend the annual Midwest Collegiate Conference in May.
3. For our leadership board chairmen to be “all in” as leaders of the FCA ministry in their areas.

Southeast Coastal Region - Georgia, Florida
Field VP: Dicky Clark
Region Contact Info:
Ministry Moment: While on a recent vision trip to Brazil, some of our region’s teammates were blessed to strategize with the Curitiba State Secretary of Sports Aluisio de Oliveira Dutra Junior. During this meeting, he gave FCA his blessing and support to bring groups there as often as possible to help develop the FCA values into their sports programs.
Prayer Requests:
1. New FCA Camps in our region. For the directors, staff and scholarship funds for campers who need assistance.
2. Our region’s ministry opportunities in Brazil. We have upcoming trips scheduled to build ministry coalitions and work for fruitful partnerships.
3. The nine Multi-Area Directors in our region. For Christ-filled leadership and wisdom as they serve our staff.
–This article appears in the March/April 2016 issue of FCA Magazine. To view the issue digitally, click here: March/April 2016 FCA Magazine Digital
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