This story appears in FCA Magazine’s March/April 2017 issue. Subscribe today!
Rockies- Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico
Field VP: Mike Sanfrantello
Region Website:
Ministry Moment: In October, 16 women from the Grand Canyon University softball team, along with Arizona FCA’s Kelly Schmidt, traveled to Puerto Penasco, Mexico, for a three-day mission trip. While there, the team built a home from the foundation up, by hand, without the use of power tools. It was a life-changing experience for each girl as they worked together as a team to serve the local family in need.
Prayer Requests:
1. For the growth of the FCA New Mexico team and funds to support it.
2. FCA and Athletes In Action will be partnering to host and direct college retreats in Colorado, Arizona and Wyoming.
3. God’s direction as we look to fill some significant staff leadership positions in 2017.

South Pacific
Regional International Coordinator: Aaron Frude
Ministry Moment: FCA Philippines is thriving with 32 staff and committed volunteers. The team recently gathered with seven staff from the Rockies Region in Boracay, Philippines, for their annual summit, which also followed a two-day sports camp in Manila. It was incredible to see the number of churches and ministries who partnered with FCA to make this camp possible, and to provide follow-up for the 500 kids in attendance.
Prayer Requests:
1. Follow-up for the kids who made faith commitments to Christ at the camp in Manila.
2. Follow-up to the connections made in Melbourne and Perth during a recent vision trip to Australia to engage and encourage sports ministers.
3. For the current Filipino FCA leaders and their spouses, as well as for the growing ministry in 14 cities throughout the Philippines.
Southeast Central- Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana
Field VP: Del Wright
Region Contact Info:
Ministry Moment: The Greater New Orleans FCA hosted its annual Sugar Bowl Breakfast in December with more than 550 in attendance. The crowd included coach Gus Malzahn and the entire Auburn football team, and coach Bob Stoops and nearly 50 members of the Oklahoma football team.
Prayer Requests:
1. For our more than 205 staff as they recruit coaches and athletes to serve as leaders in our region’s more than 3,200 Huddles and grow our camp program.
2. Our southeast Louisiana staff members who continue to help people recover from catastrophic flooding last August.
3. Hiring staff to serve our region’s five metro areas: Birmingham, Ala.; Louisville, Ky.; Memphis and Nashville, Tenn.; and New Orleans, La.

Central Africa
Regional International Coordinator: Dennis Hayford
Ministry Moment In 2016, Ghana Director Vincent Asamoah hosted a team of FCA staff in Ghana, where we were able to train 50 coaches and take part in a youth basketball camp. Our team also supported Uganda Director Sarah Nambawa in conducting a 3D coaching seminar and a youth multi-sport camp. A short trip across the border to Kenya gave us an opportunity to encourage another 50 coaches in 3D training.
Prayer Requests:
1. Health, well-being and spiritual insight for our Central Africa leaders and their families.
2. Favor for our leaders with local administrators, coaches and athletes.
3. Our Southeast Central U.S. Region staff becoming more connected and involved in our work in Central Africa.